Early in your journey into the world of Elden Ring, you can encounter some extremely tough bosses—one of which (literally) comes out of thin air. You can find the Flying Dragon Agheel southeast of the Gatefront Ruins near the middle of Agheel Lake in Limgrave (seen below).

While the Flying Dragon Agheel looks quite intimidating and hits with devastating fire breath attacks that cover a large area—you can even the playing field by mounting your trusty steed Torrent and using speed to your advantage. Follow these steps to put yourself in a good position to cause damage.
- Always stay mounted and sprint whenever you can.
- Stay locked on and circle FDA, slowly close the distance.
- When close, lock on to legs and attack from behind.
- When stamina is low, retreat and circle to regenerate.

Be sure to avoid Flying Dragon Agheel's fire attacks at all costs as they inflict lethal damage. You can easily identify if it is going to use one of these attacks—fire begins to charge in its mouth. There are three fire attacks to watch out for—here's how to avoid them.
- Ground attack: FDA will spew a column of fire that follows you. Sprint on Torrent to either side and close the distance while you do. This is a good opportunity to circle behind it and cause some damage.
- Air Attack One: FDA will jump into the sky and spew fire onto the ground directly below it. This attack will affect a huge area radius, so when you identify this, sprint in the opposite direction.
- Air Attack Two: Similar to the first air attack, this attack will affect a huge radius, but this time, the FDA will fly across the battlefield and spew fire from above instead of staying still.
Related: What is the Ritual of Dragon Communion in Elden Ring?

Flying Dragon Agheel also has an assortment of melee attacks designed to snuff you out while it's on the ground. You will find these attacks quite easy to identify from a slight distance. Try to avoid the attacks from a distance by using Torrent's sprint, then swoop in for a swipe or two at its legs or wings.
Stay patient and use your windows of opportunity to attack and whittle it down. Eventually, you'll beat the dragon and gain a Dragon Heart for use at the Cathedral of the Dragon Communion to get Agheel's Flame.
For more on Elden Ring, check out What are the best starting classes in Elden Ring? and stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for continued coverage on all of your favorite games!
Published: Mar 1, 2022 04:03 pm