Like the Soulsborne games that came before it, Elden Ring allows players to Invade other worlds and take on other players in PvP combat. While players will know to bring their best gear along for an online battle, finding out how to Invade in Elden Ring
To invade other players' worlds in Elden Ring, you'll need to use a Bloody Finger item while connected to the internet. Earning the Bloody Fingers requires players to complete a series of tasks before they can use the invasion item repeatedly to terrorize other users, which we've listed below.
How to get the Bloody Finger in Elden Ring
- Defeat Godrick the Grafted—located in Stormveil Castle.
- Make sure to visit the Roundtable Hold after defeating this boss.
- Speak with White-Faced Varre at Rose Church to receive the Bloody Finger in Elden Ring.
Check the maps listed below to find each critical location in the Bloody Finger questline.
Godrick the Grafted Location

Godrick the Grafted and Stormveil Castle lie to the Northwest of Limgrave. You'll have to progress through one of the game's dungeons to confront Godrick and gain access to the game's second sector, Liurnia of the Lakes, by defeating him.
Roundtable Hold Location

Players are automatically taken to Roundtable Hold as part of the story once they've found several Sites of Grace and spoken to Melina multiple times in Elden Ring. After players have visited Roundtable hold once, they can return by zooming out on the map and selecting the black sphere on the far left of their map.
White-Faced Varre Location

Players can find Rose Church on a small isle in Liurnia of the Lakes, and the church is located directly south of the main island in the lake. Once you've arrived, head to the front of the facility to find White-Faced Varre.
For more on Elden Ring, be sure to visit some of our other articles here on Pro Game Guides, like Elden Ring – What does Remembrance of the Black Blade do?
Published: Mar 8, 2022 03:02 pm