Oku's Triada Relic is located in the region of Cruz Del Salvador, specifically to the northeast. Here you'll find an abandoned building, left untouched by both the military and the guerillas due to fearing it is cursed.
Enter the building via the front door if you wish, but nothing happens apart from tons of mirrors shattering in one of the rooms. Spooky. What you need to do is head to the back of the house.
When at the back of the house, you'll see a grated well, which is essential later on. First, look towards the house, and you'll notice some vines you can climb up on the left. Climb up, and then climb up again with the vines on your right. When on the roof, look to your left, and you'll see a grapple point. Descend to the lower floor.

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Enter the door, and you'll be in the room with all the handmade figures wielding fake guns. As soon as you enter, they'll start to turn. They are pointing to a switch on the wall. Press it, and the well bars will explode off.
Head back the way you came in, grapple back up to the roof, then zipline to the well entrance. Look up and grapple to the point above the well and descend. Don't fall into the water below. Instead, stay grappled until you're a few meters above the water, and look around.
There are two platforms you can get to. The first is a platform with the chest on it, and another is where the Oku's Triada Relic is. When stationary on the rope, you can swing back and forth, then when momentum is gained, you let go of the rope and reach either of the two platforms.
Rinse and repeat to get the other, if you so wish. Open picking up the Relic. You'll find out that this is one of three Relics, and a Yarnam story will begin.
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Published: Oct 6, 2021 10:09 pm