Patch 6.4 of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker brought with it plenty of new pieces of content, but it also tweaked and changed the job balance of many of the main classes in the game. While some of these changes were more practical (Scholar’s ability to glamour their faerie, for instance), some are a bit more transformative. Here’s the most important balance and job changes you might have missed in FFXIV Patch 6.4
Balance changes you might have missed in Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.4
All tanks got buffed! Kinda…

Almost all tanks got potency buffs, except Dark Knight, who only got a buff to Dark Missionary’s radius. DK was one of the highest damage tanks before the buffs, so maybe this is a normalizing patch. But already we’ve seen some criticism of those still playing DK in Savage. Obviously, if you’re good enough, everything is viable, but first week on Savage will always be an issue.
Dragoon jumps are just better now

Dragoon can now jump while bound. And additionally, the server no longer changes the position of the Dragoon when they jump, meaning you can’t accidentally jump into range of an AoE while going through your combo.
Samurai buffs

Samurai’s AoE clear has kind of felt lackluster since the start of Endwalker, and the expansion only gave us a couple extra buttons to press while taking away the most meaningful button to press. This way, your AoE clear feels more meaningful, which should make this job just slightly less selfish.
Related: This QoL change in FFXIV Patch 6.4 has made our lives so much easier
Bard and Dancer range buffs

Bard and Dancer had a huge number of AoE buffs to both buffs and damage. This is great news, but probably means their utility is going to be needed a lot more in Savage raids and beyond
Scholar changes

Scholar has basically had all its healing range reduced, along with most other healers. But the bigger change is the removal of Summon Selene and the changes to Faeries to make them glamourable. We’ve got a full article on how to glamour your Scholar Faerie, but in short, there’s a new command, unlocked by a quest, that will allow you to change the appearance of your Scholar faerie.
Limit Break changes
Limit Breaks are great, but their damage has widely fluctuated in the past. In the 6.4 patch, Limit Breaks have been adjusted to reduce variance in their damage dealt. Now, you can make using your Limit Break to finish off the boss less of an art and more of a science!
For more Final Fantasy XIV news, guides, and more, check out FFXIV Patch 6.4 The Dark Throne Breakdown – Aetherfont Dungeon, showdown with Golbez, & more on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 31, 2023 06:02 am