The cute adventure game Forager is part Zelda clone, part gathering, and farming sim, marrying the two with great success. You start out small with just a small grassy island to work on but soon open up new areas, battle monsters, and create amazing new machines and gear. Most items in the game are crafted, with the best items needing the rarest ingredients. So if you’re looking for Legendary Gems in Forager, here’s how to find them.
Where are Legendary Gems in Forager

There are two ways to get Legendary Gems. If you just need a small number, they drop from Sigil Bosses, so I suggest simply summoning the bosses you need (see below). To farm Legendary Gems in larger numbers, though, your best bet is to battle your way through the Void biome (around level 25 and onward).Â
Related: All Secret Room Locations in Forager
To fight Sigil Bosses, you’ll need to summon them with Sigils made with a Siigil Maker, which requires the Summoning Skill to make. You will also need the Astrology skill. Drop rates are as follows:
- Slime King: 1 Legendary Gem
- Skeleton King: 3 Legendary Gems
- Dark Beet: 5 Legendary Gems
Alternatively, you’ll need to make a Void Portal, which can also be crafted with the Sigil Maker. A Void Portal requires Electronics (x1), Fiberglass, and a Star Fragment. Once made, it can transport you to the Void Biome. As long as you can survive the battle through the levels, you’ll earn yourself far more Legendary Gems for your buck this way.
What are Legendary Gems used for?
Legendary Gems are a crafting item used in the process of making the following items:
- Cosmic Amulet (x5): Gain 175 percent more resources.
- Cosmic Gloves (x5): Increase attack speed by 70 percent.
- Cosmic Steel (x2): Used in many high-tier crafting recipes.
- Cosmic Sword (x15): Attacks do x4.5 attack damage.
- Cosmic Wallet (x10): Coin multiplier x2.75, or 175 percent of their standard value.
- Void Wallet (x5): Coin multiplier x2.5, or 150 percent of their standard value.
Looking for more Forager guides? We’ve got you covered at Pro Game Guides! Check out How to Solve the Crystal Cave Puzzle in Forager and How to Solve the Graveyard Biome Dark Bells Puzzle in Forager.
Published: Jul 9, 2023 01:48 pm