Fortnite Item Shop

Time to see what's available in the Fortnite Item Shop for August 20, 2020! Each day gets us a batch of new cosmetics to purchase, however, they aren't always things we haven't seen before. We often get items that have been in the shop many times. While that might bum you out a bit, there are days when we get completely new items that have never been available, and you will get a chance to be one of the first to purchase it!

The skins available for August 20, 2020 are: Ravage, Raven, Black Manta, Catwoman Comic Book Outfit, Harley Quinn, Doggo, Kenji, Kuno, Summer Drift, Vix, Surf Rider, Birdie, Plastic Patroller, Toy Trooper and Whiplash, while also containing the following items: Batman Gear Bundle, Catwoman Bundle, Falcon, Harley Quinn Bundle, Scoops & Slices, Toy Soldier Wraps, Bat Signal, Batglider, Caped Crusader, Cat’s Claws, Harley Hitter, Manta Blades, Martial Arts Master, Punchline, Whipcrack, Dual Edge, Bucky Bat, Clean Groove, Driftstream, Feathered Flyer, Iron Beak, Kitsune, Purr Axe, Talons, Work It, Chew Toy, Driver, Lock It Up, Quickstrike, Raise the Cup, Rock Paper Scissors and Ruff.

You can check out what's available in the current shop in our always updated item shop page

Avaliable on August 20, 2020

47 All
15 Outfit
12 Harvesting Tool
8 Emote
5 Bundle
4 Glider
2 Wrap
1 Music

Falcon Clan


Gotham City

Black Manta

Grumble Gang



Rink Raiders

Aqua Marine

Teed Off

Toy Soldier

Racer Royale