Campfires are an important part of surviving a round of Fortnite, as they will restore your health when used. Lighting them can even be part of an objective, such as the Fortnitemares quests; here's where to find all of the campfires on the Fortnite Chapter 4, Season 4 map.
All Fortnite Campfire Locations in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4

Campfires have been in Fortnite since 2018, but their locations have moved over time thanks to the ever-changing map. As of Chapter 4, Season 4, there are still plenty of them scattered across the island. You can find them more often on the outskirts of POIs, toward the edges of the map or in landmark locations.
Related: How to visit Landmarks in different matches in Fortnite
How to light campfires in Fortnite

Lighting campfires is as easy as going up to them and interacting with them by holding the button that pops up on your screen. Zero Builds players just have to stoke the fire without any materials required, while traditional Battle Royale players will have to spend 30 wood to light it.
The flames will heal players up to 100 health, and they can be restoked if players have the wood required. Zero Build players won't be able to relight the fire after it goes out—a downside to playing without building—but with so many campfires being scattered across the map, it shouldn't be too hard to find another if yours goes out.
For more Fortnite guides, take a look at How to beat Countess Daraku in Fortnite or How to play Horde Rush in Fortnite on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 19, 2023 08:59 am