Fortnite consistently updates its item shop offerings with exciting and unique collaborations. This time, more fighters from the Street Fighter franchise make their way to the popular battle royale, but how can you get these popular fighting characters as your own?
To get the Blanka and Sakura item sets in Fortnite, you need to purchase them from the item shop. The Blanka and Sakura item sets become available in the Fortnite item shop starting Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 8pm ET. We've outlined each set below:
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Featured Blanka and Sakura item sets in Fortnite
Blanka and Sakura both have their own unique item sets in Fortnite available for purchase, and each set contains various items.
Blanka - Make Mama Proud Set

- Blanka Outfit
- Blanka Delgado alt Style
- Blanka Blanka Backflip Emote
- Blanka-Chan Back Bling
- Tropical Hazard Kebab Pickaxe
Blanka Regular Style vs. Alt Style

Sakura - Justice Always Prevails Set

- Sakura Outfit
- Sakura Gym alt Style
- Sakura’s Victory Sway Emote
- Hanakaze Claw Back Bling
- Fighting Tournament Trophy Pickaxe
- Kayari Buta Glider
Sakura Regular Style vs. Alt Style

Bonus Stage Blanka & Sakura Cup Loading Screen
Additionally, those who place among the top-performing players in their region in the Zero Build Duos Cup (Mobile) on April 27 or the All Platforms Battle Royale Duos Cup on April 28 will receive the Bonus Stage Loading Screen shown below:

For more on Fortnite, visit our other articles on Pro Game Guides, like Where to Find the Heavy Sniper Rifle in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2.
Published: Apr 26, 2022 07:41 am