Occasionally, while playing Fortnite, you'll need a break for a few minutes for various reasons. Perhaps you need to use the restroom, walk the dog, or just want to take a break. For a while, the teammates in your party just had to accept this pause and wait for you to Ready Up. Luckily, that is no longer the case, and you can now Sit Out while remaining in the party, letting them play while you tend to your household!
How to Sit out In Fortnite
If you need to walk away from the computer and reboot with some food or drink, you'll find that sitting out is easy! Just follow the few steps listed below while you're in the party.
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Step One: Bring up the Settings Menu
You likely already know how to do this, but in case you don't, follow these instructions based on the system you are using:
- PC: Hit the Esc key
- Xbox & PS4: Press the Options button
- Switch: Press the Plus button
Step Two: Open the Social Menu
On the Settings Menu is a Gear Icon, which is highlighted in the image above. Select this icon to bring up the menu that allows you to select Sit Out.
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Step Three: Select Sit Out
Highlighted in the image above are the options you must press to enable yourself to Sit Out. Note: You must be in a party for this to work. Otherwise, you'll only be able to set your status to Away.
There you have it! You're now sitting pretty, and your crew is ready to run another around. There is no time limit, so feel free to take as long as you need.
Do you want to enable 2FA for your Fortnite account? We have a guide to help you with that!
Published: Feb 9, 2021 09:52 am