Another week and a new set of legendary quests to further your progress in the battle pass. This time, players will have to build a Wooden Hatchery on the island to get their hands on experience points in Fortnite.
The wooden hatcheries are located on two different sides of the map. Therefore, it will be best to choose one site and make it a part of their dropping location plan. There are two wooden hatcheries on the map, but the players only need to build one to complete the legendary quest.
Here is a map to help the players find the exact location of these places in Fortnite.
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The first wooden hatchery is located on the northern side of the island. Players can easily spot the island on the map as it is situated between Craggy Cliffs and Stealthy Stronghold. Upon reaching the small island, players should look for the tiny house located in the coastal area. The house's door should have a campfire nearby which will further indicate the right home to enter. Once the players enter the place, they should spot a blue hatchery ready to be built.
Players can find the last one near the southern side of Slurpy Swamp. After reaching the island, surrounded by dirty waters, players can enter the wooden house and find the wooden hatchery waiting to be constructed.
Upon completing this quest, players will receive a massive 45,000 XP to move forward with their battle pass grind in the game.
If you'd like to use a video guide for this quest, check out the video shown below!
Check out our Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 7 Guide – Challenges & Information on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 22, 2021 02:00 am