Hoarfrost Core

Hoarfrost Core

To obtain an Hoarfrost Core, you need to kill the Boss Cyro Regisvines on any World Level. Bosses are automatically Lvl 36 on World Level 0, so it is recommended to have your Characters at roughly the same level as the boss or higher.

To get the rewards for defeating this  Boss, you must spend 40 Original Resin. Though if you have Condensed Resin stored, you can use this and get double the rewards.

To find the Cyro Regisvines, you can open up your Adventure Handbook, head to the Enemies Tab, locate Cyro Regisvines, then click on the Navigate button. The game will show you where the Boss is on your map.

Or you can head to the location shown below and cut out the middle man.

Just click on the image below to enlarge it.

The exposed core of a defeated Cryo Regisvine. Pure cryo elements are contained within it. Energy and thoughts that swell deep within the earth will eventually erupt on the surface. Even the deathly silent frost will attach to creatures on the ground, causing even the vines and branches of vegetation to become huge and fierce, attracting the hunter's gaze.

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Rarity 4
Type Elemental Stone


Hoarfrost Core is used for the following Character Ascensions.