Azhdaha is a weekly boss in Genshin Impact that drops unique materials for upgrading many characters' Talents. They have two of four elemental forms they take during the fight that can deal continuous damage to characters without a shield. Using the right team composition, this fight can be done easily both solo or in co-op.
How to unlock Azhdaha in Genshin Impact

The weekly boss Azhdaha is first encountered during Zhongli's Act II Story Quest. This can be found by going to Quests and navigating to Story Quests. The subsequent menu shows Hangout Events and Story Quests that require the player to use Story Keys to unlock. These keys are earned by doing the daily commissions. A total of eight commissions must be completed to earn a single Story Key.
Fighting Azhdaha — phases, forms, best teams, and drop rewards

Azhdaha will take two of four different forms during the fight when reaching different HP thresholds. These forms can be seen when looking at the entrance to the Trounce Domain and are fixed for the entire week until the Domains are reset. These are Fire, Electro, Hydro, and Cryo forms, each with different ways of dealing their respective elemental damage.
Best Characters For Fighting Azhdaha

Players can negate the damage over time effects of Azhdaha's elemental attacks by shielding themselves. The best characters that have access to shields are Zhongli, Diona, and Beidou and the best team composition revolves around using two Geo characters to increase damage output while shielded. Two Pyro characters can be used as well for extra damage and two Cryo characters can be used to increase the team's critical hit rate.
Related: Best Diona build in Genshin Impact – Weapons, Artifacts, and more!
Azhdaha's Dangerous Attacks

While in the Electro form, Azhdaha will burrow underground with only their tail exposed. During this time, lightning will strike in various areas marked on the floor. Navigating to the clear open space will have players avoid this damage. In the Hydro form, Azhdaha will have large bubbles circling around that deal Hydro damage to players caught in them. In their Pyro form, Azhdaha will have meteors rain down in areas marked on the floor to deal Pyro damage over time. Finally, in their Cyro form, Azhdaha will have Cryo spikes coming from underground as they burrow underground like in their Electro form.
Azhdaha Drops

Upon defeat, Azhdaha will reward players with three unique items that can be used to upgrade specific characters' Talents. These are the Dragon Lord's Crown, Gilded Scale, and Bloodjade Branch. Azhdaha shares the same loot pool as other Trounce Domain bosses apart from this and is able to reward players with the Berseker, Instructor, Exile, Gladiator, and Wanderer's Troupe Artifact sets, weapon Billets, Dream Solvent, and Varunada Lazurite, Vajrada Amethyst, and Prithiva Topaz gemstones.
For more Genshin Impact guides, check out Genshin Impact Yelan Farming Guide on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 26, 2022 01:20 am