Adventurer's Trials is a super-fun Genshin Impact event where you can complete a series of challenges using the unique abilities of predetermined trial characters. It's a fantastic way to learn how to apply those same skills in similar situations while battling in and exploring the open world.
The event runs from November 4, 2022, to November 21, 2022, and is open to all players with Adventure Rank 20 and above. It can be played solo and in Co-op mode.
How to unlock the Adventurer's Trials event in Genshin Impact

You can begin playing this event as long as you're Adventure Rank 20 and above. Head to the event menu, select Event Details, and choose a Trial. Click Start when you want to play solo or Match to find a Co-op team. After completing the challenge, don't forget to claim rewards from the event menu!
Genshin Impact Sequential Trial: I guide – Klee, Yanfei, Razor, Kazuha
Challenge 1: Superfast Hat Trick

The first challenge is called Superfast Hat Trick and involves using Yanfei and Klee as trial characters to play soccer with a twist. During this challenge, three Vine Goals will be located at the field's front, left, and right sides. Electro Slimes will regularly spawn near each of the three Vine Goals. You need to "shoot" them toward the Vine Goals by triggering the Overloaded Reaction.
You can do so by using Klee and Yanfei's Normal Attack, Charged Attack, and Elemental Skill. Triggering Overloaded knocks back enemies, allowing you to force the Slimes into the Vine Goal. The challenge will complete by scoring 35 goals.

Moving obstacles occasionally block your path, making it harder to direct the Slimes into the Vine Goal. Simply wait for them to move away before striking. If the Slimes move to the sides of the Vine Goal, a tip is to use a Charged Attack to force them inward.
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Challenge 2: Smash 'n' Bash

The premise of this challenge is simple: use Razor to wack 220 Rocks, demonstrating his ability to mine ores in the open world. It takes a couple of hits to destroy the Rocks, but you can speed things up with the help of three special kinds:
- Transverse Explosive Rocks - clears the entire row of Rocks.
- Mighty Rocks - increases the Damage dealt by Razor, essentially making it easier to destroy the Rocks.
- Big Explosive Rocks - destroys all the Explosive Rocks.
As you destroy Rocks, more will appear, so there's more than enough to meet the challenge goal and wack your stress away.
Challenge 3: Shieldbreaker

Kazuha havers know that his wide-range Swirl attacks are amazing for breaking shields. So in this challenge, you must Swirl Elemental sources from the environment to break 16 Abyss Mages' shields. Go near the Pyro Torches and Hydro Rocks, then trigger Kazuha's Elemental Skill and Burst to complete the objective.
Check out our guide on How to complete Sequential Trial II in the Genshin Impact Adventurer’s Trials event to complete the next set of challenges.
Published: Nov 4, 2022 02:57 am