Genshin Impact's Lost Riches event has returned, allowing Travelers another chance at obtaining a mini-Seelie as a companion. The quest The Path of the Treasure-Seeker... Part II? will be available to play from August 6, 2021 to August 16, 2021, and the event shop will be open until August 20, 2021.
To participate in this event, you must be Adventure Rank 30 or higher and have completed the Archon Quest Ritou Escape Plan.
Related: The Ritou Road Genshin Impact Guide

Previously, there were only three Seelies to choose from: Dayflower, Rosé, and Curcuma. Now, a new Inazuma-edition Seelie named Viola has been added to the collection.
How to unlock the Viola Seelie
To begin the quest, speak with Ulman at the western point of Araumi, just off the coast.
There are two treasure areas you can explore each day, with 14 treasure areas total. Each area contains 60 Iron Coins. You'll need to exchange 280 Iron Coins for one of the Seelies, but you can only obtain your Seelie companion after completing all 14 treasure areas.
After buying your Seelie from the Event Shop, you can equip it from the Gadgets tab in your inventory.
Take our Which Genshin Impact Character are you quiz, or earn free in-game prizes by redeeming Genshin Impact codes. We've also got details on the next Wish banner.
Published: Aug 6, 2021 08:53 am