To unlock the Moshiri Kara Domain released in the Genshin Impact 2.2 update, you first need to use the Waverider and sail to the island in the middle of the ocean. When on the island, you'll notice a giant stone pillar.
Around the island, there are three Phase Gates next to a locked Electro Pillar. You need to go through these Phase Gates and complete the challenge that awaits you, then shoot the Electro Pillar next to it on your return. Once all three are finished, the Moshiri Kara domain will break the pillar and emerge from the ground.
The southeastern Phase Gates challenge is to Destroy 6 Exploding Barrels in 180 Seconds. This one is simple to do. Just switch to Amber or another Pyro Bow character, and aim and shoot at the barrels. It may take a few shots to align your aim, but three minutes is enough to hit all the exploding barrels.
The western Phase Gates challenge is to collect nine Electro particles in 180 seconds. Once again, this is simple to do. Use the summon Electrogranum to zip between points utilizing the glider, and all nine will be collected in no time.
The northern Phase Gates challenge is the difficult challenge out of the three. You need to defeat two Thunderhelm Lawachurls in 80 seconds.
Once all three are completed, head back to the island. Remember to shoot all three Electro Pillars, and the second all three are electrified, Moshiri Kara will appear.
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Published: Oct 13, 2021 12:16 am