While playing Halls of Torment, I focused on creating the best builds I could and slaying hordes of enemies. However, while in the dangerous dungeons, I encountered two NPCs, the Wellkeeper and the Cupbearer. The latter provides fantastic bonuses while playing, so I want to share how to unlock the Cupbearer and what he does in Halls of Torment.
Where to find the Cupbearer in Halls of Torment
The Cupbearer is located in the third stage, the Forgotten Viaduct, and is marked by the image below. From spawn, head north until you encounter the old man off the right of the stage. He is trapped and unable to escape without the aid of his potions. This means you must do the dirty work and retrieve the Cupbearer's potions.

How to Rescue the Cupbearer in Halls of Torment
You must first speak with the Cupbearer to receive his quest. Once you do, you need to head north to retrieve the Cupbearers Potion Flask. I've marked it in the image below. Collect the Potion Flask and return it to the Cupbearer. He will drink a potion and teleport to your camp, providing you with potions.

How to get Potions in Halls of Torment
Potions are a unique mechanic in Halls of Torment. They are unlocked by rescuing the Cupbearer, then collecting the required ingredients. The ingredients for potions are found while making runs and are easier to find if you equip the Gatherer's Charm, but you do not need this to find ingredients, it simply points toward the ingredients. While in the Halls of Torment, keep an eye out for green items on the ground. Here are all the potions and their necessary ingredients in Halls of Torment.
Potion | Effect | Ingredients | Number Held |
Strong Wine | Allows you to reroll the complete selection of traits when leveling up. | Starting Potion | 10 |
Reverberant Tinkture | Allows you to apply the effects of a trait twice when leveling up. | Belladonna Salsify Wallflower | 6 |
Potion of Oblivion | Allows you to banish a trait and all its follow-up traits from the trait selection when leveling up. | Amanita Bluecap Dragon Nettle | 5 |
Potion of Memories | Allows you to memorize a trait so it's guaranteed to appear next time you level up. | Coppergrass Firepaw Truffle | 3 |
All Halls of Torment Ingredient Locations - Where to find Ingredients in Halls of Torment

- Haunted Caverns
- Bluecap
- Coppergrass
- Truffle
- Ember Grounds
- Amanita
- Dragon Nettle
- Firepaw
- Salsify
- Forgotten Viaduct
- Belladonna
- Wallflower
How do Potions work in Halls of Torment
Potions are one-time-use items you can access during runs. Your potions will refill each time you start a new run, but can only be used a number of times equal to the number of potions you have. They provide various effects that can change the course of your run by affecting traits.
How to get more Potions in Halls of Torment
The number of potions you can carry can be increased by finding Bottles during runs. You must retrieve these items using the Well, but once you do, the number of potions associated with that bottle will increase. I highly recommend collecting Bottles, as they are useful for any character and build.
For more information on Halls of Torment, check out Halls of Torment Tips & Tricks Guide and Halls of Torment Gold Farm Guide on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 13, 2023 10:46 am