For those out there obsessed with completion, Hogwarts Legacy has enough collectables to keep you occupied for days. If you you need a little help to find every last thing, we've broken down where to find some of these collectables. Here is where to find all of the collectable items in Brocburrow.
Where to find Brocburrow's four Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy
All of these collection chests will be marked on your mini-map when you approach them, but the last one may be harder to find than you think.
Brocburrow's first Collection Chest

Start from the Floo Flame location. If you search the house nearby you on your left, you'll find this red collection chest resting behind a cozy couch.
Brocburrow's second Collection Chest

Head across the small courtyard with a vendor, then enter the cottage to the right of the garden with a scarecrow. You'll not only find a second collection chest, but you also might spot Brocburrow's Demiguise Statue, also listed below. The collection chest is on the opposite side of the partition in the room, nearby the bed.
Brocburrow's third Collection Chest

Though it may seem like this collection chest is behind the level two locked house to the left of the garden, it is not. If you look above the outdoor fireplace further to the left of the house, you'll spot a platform with a chest on top. To reach the top of the platform, use force spells or Wingardium Leviosa to move a wooden box found behind the house to the junk pile holding up the platform, as shown above. You'll then be able to jump and climb to the top of the platform and open the chest.
Brocburrow's fourth Collection Chest

This last chest may be hard to find, as it's a little further away from the Hamlet than the others, and won't pick up on your mini-map as easily as the first three. Just to the north of Brocburrow is a small pond. On the north side of that pond, your fourth collection chest is waiting to be opened.
Related: Hogwarts Legacy – Difference between Levioso and Wingardium Leviosa, explained
Where to find Brocburrow's Demiguise Statue in Hogwarts Legacy

If you found the second collection chest listed above, you likely already found this Demiguise Statue. It's resting on the floor on the opposite side of the partition in the same house the second chest is found. Don't forget that you can only collect Demiguise Moons at night, and you may need to change the time from Day to Night via the Map Menu.
Where to find Brocburrow's Field Guide Page in Hogwarts Legacy

You'll need to use Revelio to make Brocburrow's Field Guide Page appear next to the scarecrow in the garden patch nearby the house which held Collection Chest two and the Demiguise statue. It has extra information on Enchanted Scarecrows, which apparently repulse both crows and gardeners alike.
Looking for more on Hogwarts Legacy? Check out How to get the chest behind the fireplace in the Library in Hogwarts Legacy or How to grow things faster in Hogwarts Legacy here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 11, 2023 08:27 am