There are tons of Collection Chests scattered around the map in Hogwarts Legacy, not only the Hogwarts and Hogsmeade Collection Chests, but ones in the hamlets on the World Map. These chests carry important items to collect, such as Room of Requirement decor or traits for your gear, which you can't get from any other type of chest. The hamlet of Irondale has three chests to collect, and we've listed them below to help you find them.
All Irondale Collection Chest Locations in Hogwarts Legacy

Irondale is in the Feldcroft region of the map, just east of the Feldcroft hamlet and southwest of Keensbridge. It has three collection chests to find here, most of which can be found inside some houses. You'll want to make sure you have at least a level one Alohomora to use, which you can get by starting the Man Behind the Moons quest. Here is where they all are:
1. Shop House Collection Chest
The first chest is in the house directly behind the hamlet shop. You can locate the shop by the stacked Galleons icon on your mini-map. Once inside, you can find the chest tucked away between the bed and the dresser.
Related: Where to find all Collection Chests in Pitt-Upon-Ford in Hogwarts Legacy
2. Windmill House Collection Chest
The second chest is in the house directly across from the windmill. Once you find the windmill, head across the road to the left to the house. Notice the wall directly behind the pub table extends out a bit. Look behind it, and you'll find the Collection Chest under a bookcase.
3. Waterfall Collection Chest
The last Collection Chest is not inside a house but is still fairly easy to find. First, locate the water wheel on the northern side of the town. Directly behind the water wheel is a bridge with a view of a waterfall. The Collection Chest is sitting right beside the waterfall on ruins of what could have been a house. You can follow the path branching off from the bridge and then hop over the gap of the waterfall to reach it, or use your broom.
Looking for more Pro Game Guides Hogwarts Legacy content? Check out our guides on All Feldcroft Catacomb Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy or All Keenbridge Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy!
Published: Feb 24, 2023 09:06 am