Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG filled with spells and ancient magic secrets. During your wizarding journey, you will encounter many puzzles to unlock and chests to open. Some of these chests will have an eye in the center, leaving the player unable to open them. Here is how to open chests with the eye in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to open eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy

When I encountered eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy, I was also very confused! Just let me open you! But not far into the Hogwarts Legacy, you learn the Disillusionment spell. This is the spell you need to use to open these anxious-ridden eye chests. The Disillusionment charm makes the player temporarily invisible, allowing you to sneak up on the chest, leaving the chest's eye unable to see the player. It is also possible to use an invisibility potion to open the chests if you have one at hand. Either or, the player can then safely open the chest and reap the rewards.
These chests are found throughout Hogwarts and the surrounding open world, typically containing a large number of Galleons which can be used to purchase new equipment or resources in Hogsmeade. These chests will glow when using Revelio, be sure to use this spell regularly to locate chests and other rewards.
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How to get the Disillusionment Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

The Disillusionment spell is unlocked during the main story quest, Secrets of the Restricted Section; during this quest, Sebastian Sallow will teach the player this new spell which is primarily used for stealth and avoiding enemies. I got this spell about four to five hours into the game, so it won't be long until you go open all the eye chests you can find in Hogwarts Leacy.
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Published: May 5, 2023 02:07 am