In the Empyrean mission track, most of the mission expectations are clear. When a mission instructs us to damage turrets, we generally know how to complete this objective. However, the Empyrean missions are notorious for their cryptic wording, as seen in the Embrace the Foreglow and Silence the voices mission that hardly any players understood. Entry Six: Neon Threat is one of these cryptic missions, but we're here to help. Here's how to complete Entry Six: Neon Threat in League of Legends.
How do you get Crowd Control score in League of Legends?

In order to get Crowd Control score, you must use an immobilizing ability such as a Root, Stun, or Knock Up. Even Slowing abilities count toward your Crowd Control score, although to a less extent than fully immobilizing abilities. To complete Entry Six: Neon Threat, you must get 25 Crowd Control score. This equates to landing 25 seconds of immobilization in total.
If you would prefer to complete this mission as intended, you should play characters like Morgana, Lux, or Leona, since they all have immobilizing abilities with long durations. Morgana's Q alone grants you three seconds of Crowd Control score each hit. If you would rather speedrun this mission, however, there are champions that can help you complete this objective in record time.
If you wish to finish this objective as soon as possible, you should play Nocturne. Nocturne's R interacts in a strange manner with Crowd Control score. When Nocturne uses R, the game grants you a total of 30 Crowd Control score. The reason for this is that Nocturne's R lasts six seconds, and his Blindness status effect is inflicted upon five champions. Considering these numbers, 30 Crowd Control score is, in fact, correct. Playing Nocturne is an excellent way to complete Entry Six: Neon Threat quickly, since it only takes one R to finish the Crowd Control objective.
For more League of Legends guides, come check out How to generate Doots with Bard in Teamfight Tactics here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 10, 2022 01:33 pm