In Lost Ark, Mokoko Seeds are one of the most abundant collectibles you can find. They can be found in just about every area of the game. When they're found, they are a dark green but glow an even brighter green once you've interacted with them. Some are really easy to find, while others are a little trickier and require different prerequisites to be completed beforehand. There are 13 Mokoko Seeds to seek out and collect in Candaria Territory within South Vern.
In order to gain access to the continent of South Vern, you need to have reached Tier 3 and have an Item Level of at least 1340. All of the Mokoko Seed locations are shown below and are circled in red.
Where to find all Mokoko Seeds in Candaria Territory in Lost Ark

Most of the seeds that you'll find on this map are really easy to obtain. For some of them, you will need to have learned the song Hymn of the Sun beforehand. You will also need to have a Wisdom level and Charisma level of 350 each for some of the seeds.
After you collect all thirteen of these seeds, you'll be that much closer to completing your collection of over 1,200 seeds. Make sure that you collect rewards for clearing Mokoko seed thresholds the next time you visit Mokoko Village in the continent of Tortoyk.
For more Lost Ark, check out both What is the Pet Ranch in Lost Ark and What are Inferno Legion Raids in Lost Ark? only on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Aug 28, 2022 01:44 pm