When roaming about Ijincho in Chapter 3 of Lost Judgment, you can encounter a familiar face from Judgment, Tashiro-Kun. Yogami actually stole his flashy golden clothes for an investigation, and even knowing that he fought alongside you to help you.
Tashiro can be found at the blue side case marker in between Gull St. and Gull Alley. Speak to him, and he'll mention he's come a long way from being part of the Tojo clan and is now an event producer for Paradise VR—an extremely popular VR game in Kamurocho.
Related: How to find the Phantom Ramen Stall in Lost Judgment - The Forbidden Taste Side Case guide

He insists that you check out the new overhaul game that stars AI rivals attempting to stop you from winning. As you know, Tashiro gives you the first game on the house and tells you the location of Paradise VR, which is in the building behind him in the basement.
Head inside, find an elevator and choose the only option, the basement level. Speak to Naisu Daisu, the receptionist. Put on the VR glasses and play your first game of VR Paradise! Afterward, the place is unlocked for your gaming VR pleasure!
For more Lost Judgment guides, Pro Game Guides has you covered.
Published: Sep 21, 2021 11:36 pm