In the popular Pokémon game franchise, PCs are used to store Pokémon you can't carry along with you. The same is true for PCs in Pixelmon. In this guide, we cover how to make one using a Crafting Table.
How to Make a PC in Pixelmon
Crafting a PC is a straightforward process, but getting some ingredients can pose a challenge. First, we will show you the recipe, then offer some tips on how to get each ingredient.
To craft a PC, you will need the ingredients listed below.
- 6 x Aluminum Plates
- 1 x Glass Pane
- 1 x Redstone Lamp
- 1 x Redstone
Once you have the ingredients listed above, open a crafting table and place them in the crafting slots shown in the image below.

As you can see, crafting a PC is as easy as crafting any other object. Still, some ingredients can be difficult to obtain. Use the list below to see how to get each individual item.
Related: How to Craft an Anvil in Pixelmon - Pro Game Guides
- Aluminum Plates: These can be crafted via hammering at an Anvil or from Pokémon drops. The Pokémon that drop Aluminum Plates are listed below.
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Klingklang
- Magneton
- Skarmory
- Togedemaru
- Redstone Lamp: These can be crafted in the same manner as a normal Minecraft game, or they can be found at Pokémon Centers.
- Redstone Dust: These can be found from mining deep underground, much like in Minecraft.
- Glass Pane: These can be crafted in the same manner as a normal Minecraft game.
After you have crafted your PC, you can also change the color by using dye. Simply hold the dye in your active inventory slot and right-click to change the color.
Need to get some rare Poké Balls? Check out How to Get Poké Balls in Pixelmon!
Published: Apr 16, 2021 10:05 am