Introduced in the 1.20 update, Armor Trims are a great way to spice up the look of your usually basic-looking armor. With over a dozen templates to choose from essentially giving over 100K customization options, you can make your armor set unique from others.
These are based on templates that are scattered all over your world and finding them can be a bit challenging. To help you out, I'll show you where to find every Armor Trim in Minecraft.
How to get Armor Trims in Minecraft - All Smithing Template Locations
Armor Trims are made from Smithing Template found within chests at specified, dangerous locations in Minecraft. These templates are then used in a Smithing Table along with another item to give it a different accent. Some Armor Trims will take multiple steps to find, while others will only require you to find the structure they reside in.
In this guide, I'll let you know where to find all 18 Armor Trim Smithing Templates, including those found in the Tricky Trials update, and how you can get them for yourself.
Bolt Armor Trim

The Bolt Armor Trim is the first of the two new Armor Trims in the Tricky Trials update. Its Armor Trim Template is found deep underground in the new Trial Chambers. The first way to get it is by encountering it in one of the many reward chests scattered around the Trial Chamber. The second way to obtain it is by taking on a Trial Spawner, beating it, and using the Trial Key to open a Vault containing the Bolt Armor Trim Smithing Template.
Coast Armor Trim

As the name implies, the Coast Armor Trim can be found in Shipwrecks. They are one of the most common ocean structures in Minecraft, giving players plenty of opportunities to get their first Armor Trim. The Coast Armor Trim can be found in any of the potential three chests that Shipwrecks can generate with.
Dune Armor Trim

Like with the Coast Armor Trim, the name of this template gives away where it is found. Dune Armor Trim Templates can only be found in the chests at the bottom of Desert Temples. If you've not explored one of these temples before, you must dig through the floor carefully to get to the chests. Players who aren't cautious enough will fall through the floor and set off the TNT trap near the treasure.
Eye Armor Trim

The Eye Armor Trim is one of my favorites, but if you’re playing Minecraft the conventional way, you have a while to go until you find this one. This Smithing Template is found in Strongholds, likely in the Library or the Altar chests. I recommend using Eyes of Ender to find a Stronghold, then looking for the End Portal and this template at the same time.
Flow Armor Trim

The Flow Armor Trim is the second Armor Trim added to Minecraft 1.21. It's much harder to get than the Bolt Armor Trim because it requires players to get the Bad Omen effect and take on an Ominous Trial. After getting an Ominous Trial Key, players can get the Flow Armor Trim in the next Ominous Vault they open. It is not guaranteed, but as you keep doing more Ominous Trials, you'll eventually find this template.
Host Armor Trim

The Host Armor Trim Template is one of several only found in Trail Ruins structures. Players must brush the Suspicious Gravel uncovered in these ruins to unearth this Smithing Template. It has about an 8% chance of being found in a suspicious gravel block.
Raiser Armor Trim

The Raiser Armor Trim is another archaeology-based Armor Trim only found in Trail Ruins by brushing Suspicious Gravel. If you're looking to gather a set of Armor Trims quickly, getting the Raiser and other Trail Ruins Armor Trims is a great route to take.
Rib Armor Trim

The Rib Armor Trim is found in Nether Fortresses. Given how huge and mob-ridden a fortress can be, getting this armor trim can be a difficult task. So make sure to don your best armor and once found, make a hasty retreat.
Sentry Armor Trim

The Sentry Armor Trim Smithing Template can be found at Pillager Outposts. You'll need to fight your way through waves of Pillagers to check the chest at the top of the outpost for this Smithing Template. Since there is only one chest in each Pillager Outpost, this is one of the harder templates to find.
Silence Armor Trim

The Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template is one of the many treasures found within Ancient Cities. They can be found in any of the chests scattered across the city. Just be careful not to wake the Warden as you are sneaking around.
Shaper Armor Trim

The Shaper Armor Trim is the third of the four major archaeology-based Armor Trims. It is only found within Trails Ruins structures. Like the other trims, it has an 8.3% chance of being brushed out of Suspicious Gravel.
Snout Armor Trim

Generating in perhaps the single most dangerous in the, the Snout Armor Trim Smithing Templates can be found in Bastion Remnants. They’re more common in the Hoglin Stable variant of the Bastion Remnant chests.
Spire Armor Trim

Perhaps one of the last Armor Trims you’ll find, in your survival world, is the Spire Armor Trim, which is located in the chests in End Cities. Some claim they’re more likely to generate aboard End Ships (near Elytras), but I was unable to confirm this.
Tide Armor Trim

The Tide Armor Trim is a rare drop from Elder Guardians. They only have a 20% chance of dropping this Smithing Template, so you'll maybe need to take down at least 5 to get it. I suggest building a Guardian Farm to make things easier. While this may be a lot of work, the beauty of this Armor Trim is worth the time!
Vex Armor Trim

The Vex Armor Trim is incredibly rare because it is found in one of the rarest Overworld structures, the Woodland Mansion. To get it, you'll need to find the mansion first and then take out the mobs residing there all while opening its chests in hopes of finding this rare reward.
Ward Armor Trim

The Ward Armor is another hard-to-obtain Armor Trim only found in chests in the Ancient City. You’ll have to dodge the Warden to find this Ward Armor Trim Smithing Template in one of the many chests. If luck is on your side, you'll find it, along with the Silence Armor Trim.
Wayfinder Armor Trim

You can get the Wayfinder Armor Trim by brushing Suspicious Gravel in Trail Ruin structures. This makes it another Armor Trim that can only be found using Archeology. Its drop chances are only 8.3% so make sure to stay vigilant!
Wild Armor Trim

The Wild Armor Trim is the last trim on our list and can be found in Jungle Temples. It's one of the harder Armor Trims to find due to the rarity of Jungle Temples. Make sure to watch out for the traps in the temple while you search the chests for this template.
How to Duplicate Smithing Template in Minecraft
To duplicate a Smithing Template you need seven Diamonds, an original Smithing Template, and a block that is related to the smithing template you are duplicating. Given how rare it is to obtain a template, duplicating can come in handy especially if you want to apply the same trim to your other armor.
Here's a list of related blocks you need to duplicate a specific Smithing Template:
Smithing Template | Block |
Bolt Armor Trim Template | Copper |
Coast Armor Trim Template | Cobblestone |
Dune Armor Trim Template | Sandstone |
Eye Armor Trim Template | End Stone |
Flow Armor Trim Template | Breeze Rod |
Host Armor Trim Template | Terracotta |
Raiser Armor Trim Template | Terracotta |
Rib Armor Trim Template | Netherrack |
Sentry Armor Trim Template | Cobblestone |
Shaper Armor Trim Template | Terracotta |
Silence Armor Trim Template | Cobbled Deepslate |
Snout Armor Trim Template | Blackstone |
Spire Armor Trim Template | Purpur Block |
Tide Armor Trim Template | Prismarine |
Vex Armor Trim Template | Cobblestone |
Ward Armor Trim Template | Cobbled Deepslate |
Wayfinder Armor Trim Template | Terracotta |
Wild Armor Trim Template | Mossy Cobblestone |
You can also duplicate the Netherite Upgrade template using Netherrack blocks.
All Trim Materials in Minecraft
Trim materials are used to give a specific color accent to the trim. Here's a list of every trim material along with how you can obtain them:
Material | Source |
Amethyst Shard | Dropped by Amethyst Cluster |
Copper Ingot | Smelting Raw Copper |
Diamond | Diamond Ore |
Emerald | Emerald Ore |
Gold Ingot | Gold Ore |
Iron Ingot | Iron Ore |
Lapis Lazuli | Lapis Lazuli Ore |
Nether Quartz | Nether Quartz Ore |
Netherite Ingot | Four Netherite Scraps + Four Gold Ingots |
Redstone Dust | Redstone Ore |
Resin Brick | Smelting Resin Clumps |
For more up-to-date Minecraft content, check out How to make Wolf Armor in Minecraft here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Dec 30, 2024 03:00 am