Monster Hunter Rise has an enormous amount of materials for you to collect while hunting and a few of them are exceptionally hard to find. The game does not handhold you in any way for certain things.
To find the Dragonbone Relic, you must first reach High Rank in the game's multiplayer section. You can level up your multiplayer rank while playing the single-player by completing special missions, but they are only available when the game tells you they are.
The Frost Islands area is your best place for finding this material, so while in the Gathering Hub, take the Tour quest called A Tour of the Island (High Rank.) You need to search in bonepiles on the map, which are pretty frequent. Though remember there is only a chance of getting the material. It's not 100 percent guaranteed.
You can find bonepiles in the following locations:
- Between areas 1 and 3—as you come out of the camp, follow the path to the left, and on the next platform down, the bonepile is located.
- In the middle of areas 7, 5, and 8—two bonepiles are located in this area, both located on the ground.
- Between areas 6 and 9—this bonepile you need to Wirebug up to reach, as it's on a small hill.
- The top area of 9—climb the ivy and on your left is the bonepile.
- Area 12—head into area 10 from the left side, and then follow the left wall into you enter the cave. Keep following the left wall, and you'll eventually find the bonepile.

You only need to interact with a bonepile once, and it collects all items available. If you aren't lucky enough to find the Dragonbone Relic on your first try, don't worry, as resources tend to respawn relatively quickly, so just venture around the map and keep coming back to these locations!
If you decided to use the Tour Quest, press the plus sign on your controller, and navigate to Complete Quest to head back to the Gathering Hub. Even if you didn't find one, there is a good chance your Palico did, so always check the material rewards to see if you got one!
Here's a guide on Where to find the King Rhino in Monster Hunter Rise and Where to find the Rhenoplus Egg in Monster Hunter Rise.
Published: Jan 12, 2022 02:14 pm