I really enjoy point-and-click puzzle and object-finding RPGs, and the collector’s editions of the New York Mysteries games are some of the best ones out there. If you're having trouble with New York Mysteries 2: High Voltage, keep reading this walkthrough.
New York Mysteries 2 Walkthrough - All Puzzle Solutions
Our heroin Laura has been called out to another mysterious case. A series of unusual murders have taken place in and around the city, each preceded by a ball of light witnesses compared to lightning. You head to Central Park, the scene of the latest attack, to see what you can sleuth out.
This walkthrough has been done in normal mode, so take into consideration some puzzles may be a little different if you use a different mode, but note you can switch difficulty at any time via the menu button (bottom left). Also, remember you can use the map to quickly move between locations (bottom right of the screen). The map also clarifies where you are still looking for collectibles, which I found super useful.
The murder scene
Take the collection item next to the police tape (a1), then click the back of the scene (a2) to move along the path to the hot dog stand and click the policeman to talk to him and get your case file. Take the collectible from the bench (b1) and then click the trash can (b2). Click the newspaper in it once it has fallen over to get the Razor Blade that’s wrapped inside it.
Select the umbrella patch (b3) for a close-up and take the Wire. In your inventory, click the wire several times to turn it into a Lockpick. While in the same close-up, use the razor blade on the patch to remove it, taking the Fish Figurine Fragment that’s underneath.
Click the hot dog bucket (b4) and use the lockpick to pick the lock, taking the Tongs from inside. Don’t miss the morphing object between the back two benches (b5). Go back to the crime scene and get a close-up of the pavement crack (a3), then use the tongs to get the second Fish Figurine Fragment from inside the crack. Select the boat (a4), then use the fish fragments on the box in the close-up to begin your first puzzle.
It’s a puzzle that you can’t fail, but if you’re struggling, you need to move the top-left piece right and then the bottom left two pieces to be able to move the blue section about halfway (see above). From there, move the first piece you moved back to the left and it should be easy from there. Once complete, take the Oilcan. Select the bag under the bench (a5) for a close-up, click the top of it several times to remove the leaves, then use the oilcan on the clasp to open it to take and read a letter. Don’t miss the morphing object by the bush (a6).
Finding Bishop
Once in the souvenir shop, click the rug (c1) and pull it back to reveal a trapdoor, then click it for a close-up and take the Eagle Figurine. Take the morphing object (c2) by the hats and the collectible below it (c3), then click the top of the serving counter (c4) for a close-up. Click the items on the desk until the second Eagle Figurine is available to take from underneath the mess. You can now add the two figurines to the shelf (c5) to start an electricity puzzle.
All you need to do is switch the eagles around to make a complete circuit. Again, you can’t fail here—just click two eagles to switch them until you’re done (see above). Once complete, the compartment will open, and you can take the String and Eagle Key.
Select the front of the serving counter (c6) and add the string to the central flag. Now click the left flag twice and the right flag once to open a secret compartment, taking the Toy Car and Hook from inside.
Use the eagle key to open the trapdoor (below c1) and head down. Grab the collectible on the right (d1) and the morphing object from below it (d2), then click the poster (d3) to take a second Car and Razor from behind it. Select the boxes (d4) and pick up the Nails. Go back upstairs and get a close-up of the backdoors (c7) and use the razor to cut the rope holding them closed. Click the door again to move into the backroom for a missing objects game.
If you’re a little stuck on this, some easy things to miss are having to place the lamp on the table and light it, using the key to wind the clock (top left) to get the spring, using the robot code to open the hatch (top of the screen), using the suction cup to open the drawer, and lining up the totem Pole (see above).
Once you’ve done that, you’ll get the Lift Key Card. Go back downstairs, select the lift mechanism (d5), and use the keycard on it, then click the green button to descend further. At the bottom of the lift shaft, click the foreground to go into the hall.
Speaking to Bishop
Click Bishop to talk to him about the case and he’ll give you the Business Card Holder. Click this a few times in your inventory to get the Pass. Take the picture on the wall (e1) and the third Car from the hole left behind it. I chose to add the toy cars I’d already collected to the box on the table (e2) to clear some inventory space, but you don’t have to yet. Take the collectible from above the left door (e3) and the morphing object next to the right chair (e4).
Go back up to the souvenir shop (remember you can use the map to fast-travel), click the picture on the wall (c8), and add the picture you just got downstairs to start a matching puzzle (see above). Once complete, take the fourth Car and Fishing Line from behind the picture. Combine the line and hook in your inventory to get a Hook on Fishing Line. Now go right back downstairs and click the door (e5) to go into the study.
Select the fish tank (f1) for a close-up, take the Slide, and use the hook and line to fish out the Key. Also, grab the morphing object from the bookshelf (f2) and the collectible from the desk (f3). Select the desk (f4), click the loose panel of wood in the close-up to reveal a keyhole, and use the key to open the drawer and take the Stencil, Hammer, and Wire. Add the stencil to the number pad in the drawer, then use the pencil in the drawer to mark off the numbers. Use the puncher that’s also in the draw (see below) on the pad and you’ll receive the Punch Card.
From the hall, use the passageway on the right side (e6) to go to the intersection. Take the collectible from the gangway (g1, below) and the morphing object from the machine on the right (g2). Select the area in front of that machine (g3) for a close-up and take the Short Planks. Click the door (g4) and take the Long Planks, combining them with the short ones in your inventory (and using the hammer and nails) to get the Ladder. Use the ladder to access the higher level (g7).
Select the central control area (g5) for a close-up and take a fifth Car, then use the punch card to operate the machine. This turns a light on in the top-left tunnel (g6). You can now select that area, so do so to select the train there and go inside the carriage. Click the control area inside the carriage for a cut scene. When you exit the underground train, you’ll find yourself in the prison yard.
The prison
Select the pass from your inventory to talk to the prison guard, who will then allow you entry into the prison. Before you go in, take the collectible from the tire (h1) and the morphing object from the wall (h2). Get a close-up of the fusebox (h3) and take the Star Fragment, then click sacks (h4) to take a second Star Fragment, a Slide, and the Funnel.
Click the truck door (h5) for a close-up and select the handle to open it, taking the sixth Car from inside. Still in the close-up, click the left-side sun visor and the lorry Key should drop onto the seat. Pick up the key and put it in the ignition. You can try to turn it over, but the fuel tank is empty. Head into the prison hall.
You’ll find the collectible here at the base of the stairs (i1) and the morphing object on the upstairs far-right lamp (i2). Select the top-left cell (i3) for close-up and take the third Star Fragment and the Rag. go back outside and select the lorry’s fuel tank (h6), use the rag on the wooden panel in the close-up, and you’ll find a four-digit code, 3197.
Go back into the prison hall and select the back-right door (i4). Enter 3197 and then press the enter button (bottom right on the keypad) to unlock the door and head into the prison archives. The collectible is on the cabinet (k1), while the morphing object is on the right-side filing cabinet (k2). Grab the Push Broom (k3), then select the filing cabinet (k4) for a close-up. Click the files inside until you open the Henry Tyler file. Take the Iron Apple from the open file.
Back to the study
Return to the study and use the iron apple on the cabinet below the bookshelf (f5), not forgetting to take the sixth Car in the same close-up. With the cabinet open, select the street diorama to begin a puzzle to fix the model. All you need to do is click items that are out of place and then click the position they should be in (see below). You can’t fail, but note that if you click outside the image, you’ll need to start again. Once complete, you can collect the Empty Film Reel and an Eagle Figurine.
Back in the prison archive, select the table (k5) and click the map to turn it on in the close-up. Add the eagle figurine to the box in the same close-up, taking the Tape and Lever Handle. Click all the ripped pieces of paper in the box, too, as they’ll come together on the desk. Use the tape to put the photo back together and then click it for a cut scene plus another code, 462. You can also click the video camera (k6) and add the reel, taking a Slide, Star Piece, and your seventh Car.
Back in the prison yard, you can add the handle to the fuse box (h3), which opens the garage and starts an object-matching puzzle. Once complete, you’ll use the car wing mirror to shine on the circuit board to start a jigsaw-style puzzle. You need to connect all the edge connectors to the ones on the outside of the puzzle. Again, you can’t fail here and the sections will go dark and be locked in once in the right spot. Once complete, you’ll receive the Jerry Can from inside the cupboard.
Add the funnel to the lorry furl tank (h6), then use the jerry can to add some petrol. Now re-enter the lorry (h5), turn the key in the ignition, and the lorry will move backward. You can now use the combination you got from the archive (462) to open the briefcase (h7) and get the last Star Piece and a Flashlight.
The star puzzle
Assemble the star in your inventory and then return to the archive. Use the star on the safe (k7) to start the star puzzle. You need to move the pieces around until they’re in the spaces that match the pattern on each. If you can’t do this one (I found it very annoying!), here’s a solution:
- 6-7-5-2-1-3-6-7-5-2-1-3-6-7-5-2-4
Once complete you’ll get the Blowtorch Part, Prison File, and Loaded Film Reel. Add the loaded film reel to the projector (k6) and press the red button for a cut scene of the execution you saw earlier. Once complete, note the image left on the screen. Go back into the lorry in the prison yard and follow this pattern on the door mechanism to open the glove compartment and take the Screwdriver.
Move to the prison hall and use the push broom on the top-left cell door (i3) to drag the radio towards you. Click it again to pull it through the bars and then use the screwdriver to remove the back and take the Batteries. Add them to your torch in the inventory, then use the torch on the dark passageway at the back of the hall (i5), then click the door at the end of the hall in the closeup to gain access to the execution chamber.
After the cut scene, you’ll receive the Medallion. Is this what gave our condemned prisoner some kind of special abilities?
The execution room
Once you’ve watched the cutscene and received the medallion, grab the collectible from next to the fire extinguisher (a1) and the morphing object from the wire above it (a2). Use the screwdriver on the four screws and remove the grate (a3), taking the Crowbar and Slide from inside.
Use the map to move back to the elevator and use the crowbar to open the boxes (b1) and take the Torch from inside. Go upstairs to the souvenir shop, add the torch to the Statue of Liberty (c1), and take the Bar from its secret compartment.
Now you can return to the study and add the bar to the clock device on the wall (d1) and tackle the connections puzzle there. Simply drag the colored lines to match the connections on the bar, then click the patterns above until they match (see image above). Once done, take the Magnet and a Blowtorch Part.
Return to the room with the execution chamber (or room with stool on the map), use the magnet to get the Zipper Pull Tab from the crack in the ground (a4), then connect that to the bag (a5) to open it and get the Jackknife. Head to the prison yard, use the knife on the sacks (e1) to take the Grappling Hook, then head into the prison hall and use it to access the rooftop (f1).
The rooftop
Take the morphing object (g1) and collectible (g2) from the floor, then click the fans (g3) for a close-up. Click the green coat to move it and take a Toy Car. Click the upper part of the metal tower (g4) for a close-up and take the Stone. Drop the stone off the roof (g5), which will bounce up the Handwheel to you. Use it on the pipe at the bottom of the metal tower (g6) to fill the water tower, then click the top section once more and take the Stick.
Put the stick into the fans to stop them, which allows you to reach in and get the final Toy Car (if you haven’t collected all the others, check my previous guide linked above for the other locations). After you take the car, don’t forget to take the stick back.
At this point, you can return to Bishop in the Hall and hear his story about the execution. After the cutscene, add the remaining cars to the box on the table (h1), which will open up and allow you to take the final Blowtorch Part. Put all three together in your inventory to get the Blowtorch (again, if you’ve missed the first part, refer to my previous guide).
Use the blowtorch on the padlocked door (g7) to heat up the lock, then use the hammer to break it once it is hot. This allows you to enter the abandoned substation (after a cutscene).
The abandoned substation
Click the skeleton (i1) for a close-up and take the Med Station Key. Also, take the Pipe from the floor (i2). Now, you can move to the prison hall and use the key to open the door to the Med Station (f2). Head inside.
You’ll find a collectible on the shelves (j1) and the morphing object on the right-side poster (j2). Open the bag (j3) and keep removing fruit until you can take the Nail at the bottom. Now select the bed for a close-up (j4), click the sheets to move them, and take the Slide. Finally, use the jackknife on the mattress to find some Wire. In your inventory, add the stick to the pip and then secure them together with the wire to make a Pipe And Stick.
Return to the abandoned substation and use the pipe and stick you’ve made to turn on the lights in the close-up of the junction box (i3). Take the collectible (k1) and the morphing object (k2) from the control panel, then click the skeleton for a close-up and select the photo to find that the body was that of Samuel Brodiem Hugo’s father.
Now you’ll need to click the glowing area (k3) for a missing item puzzle. It is relatively straightforward, although if you want the order to throw the switches once you add the fuse to them, it is 4-7-1-8-2-9-10-3-5-6 (see below). The final code you need (top to bottom) is 358, which is written on the hanging ceiling panel once you add the lightbulb to the light. On completion, you’ll get a Switch.
Add the switch to the panel (k4), after which a panel opens. You can take some Rubber Gloves, a Chandelier Part, and find information about when Samuel Brodie was hired.
The chandelier puzzle
Pop back to the hall to get another update from Bishop, who’ll give you a Punch Card. Now, use the wire and rubber gloves to fix the broken lava lamp (h2) and switch it on, noting the arrow symbols you can now see on the glass (pointing right, left, down, down, right, up).
Head to the study, stand the stool up (d2) if you haven’t already, and add the chandelier part to the chandelier (d3) to begin a light puzzle. You need to even out the light, which can be frustrating, so if you’re struggling, see my image above for how you need to line up the cords. On completion, you’ll get the Magnetic Key.
Go to the intersection next and use the punchcard in the central control panel (m1) to summon a train to the bottom left tunnel (m2). Select the green door (m3) and use the magnetic key to open it, then go into the hallway.
Grab the collectible on the steps (n1) and the morphing item on the wall (n2), then click the plate on the wall (n3) for a close-up. Add the nail to it, then use the hammer to remove the plate and take the Pigeon Figurine. Select the box on the left wall (n4) and click the sequence you found on the lava lamp (right, left, down, down, right, up) to open it and get the Slide and Green Pebbles (you can add the pebbles to the mosaic (n5) now if you like, to get them out of your inventory, but you can’t do the puzzle yet).
The pigeon puzzle
Head back to the hall and add the pigeon to the wall plaque (h3), which requires you to switch all of the pigeons from one side to the other. If you’re stuck on this one, you can copy the following:
- 5 to f
- 4 to 5
- 1 to a
- 2 to 1
- 3 to b
- f to 3
- 6 to e
- 5 to g
- a to 4
- b to 5
- 1 to c
- e to 1
- g to 2
- 5 to 6
- c to 5
Once complete, the cupboard will open. Click it for a close-up and take the Key, a Slide, and the Protective Suit. Select the only closed door left here (h4) and use the key to open it, giving you access to the storeroom. Head inside.
Grab the collectible (o1) and the morphing object (o2) from the shelves, then click underneath the chair (o3) to find some Gloves. Select the chair cushion (o4) for a close-up and then click it again to move it, taking the Nailpuller from underneath. Click the clothes rail (o5) next to take a Hanger and some Yellow Pebbles.
Select the draw (o6) next, then the know, which will fall off and roll under the chair. Select the bottom of the chair once more (o3), and use the hangar to retrieve the Knob. Connect it back onto the drawer (o6), open it, and take the Slide and Gas Mask. Now, you can head back to the hallway and add the pebbles to the mosaic (n5) to begin another puzzle.
The train mosaic
This is just a color-matching exercise (if you’re unsure, see the picture above), which will get you the Boots you need to complete your suit once complete. Once you have them, combine the suit, mask, gloves, and boots in your inventory to get the Hazmat Suit. While in the hallway, you can also remove the metal plaque (n6) with the nail puller, taking the Light Bulb and Diagram from the hole behind it.
Head back into the storeroom and put the bulb in the lamp (o7), which starts an object-matching puzzle. This one is quite straightforward, although it took me a while to realize I needed to use the screwdriver on the plughole to remove it and the key from underneath. On completion, you’ll get a Drill Bit.
Back in the hallway, select the hazmat suit, and with it in hand, click the doorway (n7) to go inside the pump room. Pick up the Shovel (p1) and grab the Knob and Piece of Metal in the close-up of the red valve (p2). Select the fan (p3), add the knob to the dial, and click it again to make the fan work.
Go back to the intersection, add the drill bit to the drill (m4), and click it again to drill a hole in the ground. Use the shovel on the drilled earth and take the Monkey Wrench. Back in the pump room, you can use the wrench to turn the red valve (p2), which demists the other half of the room. Now that you have a clear view take the collectible to the left of the wooden crate (q1) and the morphing object (q2) from just above it.
Hallway door puzzle
Select the mask (q3) for a close-up and take a Welding Device Part, a Slide, and a Knob. You can now add the piece of metal to the hole where the knob was, but you can’t weld it yet. Go back into the hallway and click the doors at the bottom of the stairs (n8), and add the knob to start a switch puzzle. To complete, click left twice, right six times then left once. With that, the door swings open, and you can enter the wine cellar.
Grab the collectible by the wine barrel (r1), the Insect Repellant on the barrel (r2), and the morphing object on the high shelf on the right (r3). You can now go back to the storeroom and use the insect repellent on the box (o8). Once cleared, click inside until you find the Hand Wheel.
Return to the pump room and select the welding device in your inventory. Put together the pieces to get a working Welding Device, then use it to seal the metal piece in place on the hole (q3). Select the circular area of the same machine just above it (q4), add the hand wheel, and click them to turn and reveal a pipe puzzle.
The pump room pipe puzzle
You essentially need to make a single flowing pipe throughout the system. If you’re stuck, see my completed pipe above. Once done, click the blue machine (q5), add the diagram, click the two dials to match, and then click the red buttons in the order 2-4-1-3 (numbers from top to bottom). This clears the flooded tunnel, allowing you to select the train in the bottom right of the intersection (m2). Select the train, click the doors, then click the controls in the close-up for a cut scene and move on to Samuel’s House.
Samuel’s house
Tale the collectible from the right of the house (a1) and the morphing object from the window on the white building (a2). Select the bicycle (a3) for a close-up and click the storage pouch to get an Envelope. Now click the planter to the left (a4) and take a Slide, then click the stones in it to reveal and take a Note.
Click the front door (a5) and add the note to the close-up of the door combination puzzle. The answers to the math equations are 5-2-3-4, meaning you select the (from top) fourth, first, first, and fourth buttons on the panel. Once complete, you can click the door and head into the hall.
Published: Aug 2, 2024 10:36 am