You can make your weapons the best weapons in Nightingale by infusing them. Weapons and gear with enchantments and infusions will deal significantly more damage, grant you special buffs, and boost your stats overall. Here's how to infuse them!
Nightingale Infusions & Enchantments - How to make them
To start using enchantments and infusions into your weapons and gear, you'll first need to complete the Antiquarian Site of Power. After doing so, you will speak to Puck and venture into a new realm. Complete the first trial for Aurelio to earn the Enchanter's Focus table schematics (if you haven't already bought it from the Trader as I did) and your first Infusion. You can build the Enchanter's Focus table with the following materials (meaning you'll need a Saw Table, and Smelter first):
- Lumber x1
- Ingot x2
- Glass x5
After this point, you can now use the Enchanter's Focus table to craft Infusions and Enchantments.

Enchantments and Infusions are crafted using Essence, Essence Dust, and some specialty items like Human Seals. You can unlock more recipes through the Essence Trader or Hope Echoes. You will begin with only a couple of recipes to start.
Enchantments and Infusions have special buffs that can be applied directly to your gear and boost you while you are using them, such as giving you extra stamina, giving you special abilities like a healing spell, and so much more. That's why they are so essential to have.
Related: How to get T1 Essence in Nightingale
How to apply Enchantments and Infusions in Nightingale

You can apply an Enchantment or an Infusion to your clothes or your tools by opening your Inventory, selecting the Enchantment or Infusion, pressing Apply, and choosing the item you want to place it on. However, the item has to be at least an Uncommon rarity or greater. Otherwise, you won't have the option to apply them. Plus, you can't apply an Infusion to an item of lesser rarity.
You can upgrade your items to better rarities using an Upgrade Table, but you'll need plenty of Essence to do so. Once they match up, apply your Enchantments and Infusions to really boost your power and stats to the next level.
Looking for more Nightingale content? Check out Nightingale Puzzle Core Solutions – How to solve or How to craft Ink in Nightingale on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 22, 2024 3:36 PM UTC