Pharah is the queen of the skies in Overwatch, armed with a rocket launcher and a desire for honor. She uses vertical space in maps, hovering above teams and dishing out damage. With the advent of Overwatch 2, there have been a few changes to Pharah's kit that alter her playstyle, which can be confusing for Overwatch 1 veterans. Here's a guide on how to play Pharah in Overwatch 2.
Pharah hero guide for Overwatch 2
What is Pharah's role in a team?

Pharah is a damage character, giving her a burst of increased movement and reload speed upon each elimination. Her role in a team is to overwhelm the enemy with unceasing rockets, creating a vertical threat for opponents to worry about. She possesses a rocket launcher that is effective at long range, and her projectiles inflict a small area of splash damage. Her projectiles can also injure herself, dealing a maximum of 40 self-damage. She is most helpful in mid-air since she is a moving target that you cannot shoot down easily.
How is Pharah different in Overwatch 2?

In Overwatch 2, Pharah's rockets inflict more damage upon a direct hit, but they do less splash damage. This kit change requires Pharah players to be more precise with their shots rather than firing indiscriminately. In Overwatch 2, Pharah also begins reloading 0.25 seconds sooner when she runs out of ammo. Finally, Pharah's Concussive Blast ability deals 30 damage upon a direct hit and deals greater knockback.
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Pharah's abilities, listed

Here are Pharah's abilities, along with their purpose in battle.
- Jump Jet
- Launches you rapidly upwards. After using this ability, players generally follow up with Hover Jets to stay in mid-air.
- Concussive Blast
- Shoots an explosive blast that deals 30 damage and knocks enemies back. This ability is often used to create space in a teamfight, or push enemies off the side of the map. You can also use it alongside Jump Jet to launch into the air at an angle.
- Hover Jets
- Hold this ability to hover in mid-air. Upon activating this ability, a fuel gauge will appear on the screen. If you exceed the fuel gauge's capacity, Pharah will fall to the ground. Hover Jets is typically used in conjunction with Jump Jet to stay in mid-air without falling.
- With the right tempo, you can alternate between Hover Jets and Jump Jet to stay in the air indefinitely. While videos demonstrate the proper timing, playing the hero can help you gradually develop this skill.
- Role: Damage (Passive)
- Upon securing an elimination, Pharah receives a burst of increased movement and reload speed. This passive is universal for all Damage class characters.
- Barrage (Ultimate)
- This ultimate ability launches a continuous volley of rockets, but you cannot move during its duration. These rockets can also damage Pharah, so they should not be used at extremely close range.
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Pharah tips and tricks

After playing Pharah for an extended amount of time, there are a few gameplay tricks you learn. Here is some advice for newer Pharah players.
- While flying, use the environment to your advantage. Try using your Concussive Blast to launch yourself across rooftops and discover sniping locations. As Pharah, the skyline is your turf. Make sure to become familiar with the areas you can and cannot access.
- Your rockets have a delay between when you fire them and when they land. Pharah's bullets work differently than hitscan characters like Cassidy and Soldier: 76, so you will have to learn to predict enemy locations to land your shots.
- As Pharah, do your best never to touch the ground for a prolonged amount of time. When you're on the ground, you're a sitting duck and can be eliminated swiftly. Practice the timing of her Hover Jets in the Practice Range and see how long you can stay in the air.
- While hitscan characters like Widowmaker and Soldier: 76 are effective at eliminating Pharah, they are not unbeatable. Try diving enemy hitscans with your Concussive Blast ability, firing rockets before they have the chance to react. This strategy works especially well for a character who uses a scope to aim since they are typically distracted during combat.
For more Overwatch 2 guides, come check out Overwatch 2 launch day plagued by errors due to DDOS attacks here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 4, 2022 03:38 pm