Gen 9 is here, making its Pokémon Trading Card Game debut on March 31, 2023. The Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Base Set contains 258 cards to collect, with a brand-new silver border to boot. Here is the complete Pokémon TCG Scarlet and Violet card list, including Secret Rares, Full Arts, and Terastal cards.
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Which Pokémon cards are in the Scarlet and Violet Base Set?

Pineco | Flaaffy | Bisharp |
Heracross | Pachirisu | Kingambit |
Shroomish | Rotom | Maschiff |
Breloom | Rotom | Maschiff |
Cacnea | Toxel | Mabosstiff |
Cacturne | Toxtricity | Bombirdier |
Tropius | Pawmi | Forretress |
Scatterbug | Pawmi | Varoom |
Spewpa | Pawmo | Varoom |
Vivillon | Pawmot | Revavroom |
| ||
Skiddo | Wattrel | Iron Treads ex |
Gogoat | Wattrel | Chansey |
Sprigatito | Kilowattrel | Blissey |
Floragato | Miraidon | Zangoose |
Meowscarada | Miraidon ex | Zangoose |
Tarountula | Drowzee | Starly |
Tarountula | Hypno | Staravia |
Tarountula | Ralts | Staraptor |
Spidops ex | Kirlia | Skwovet |
Smoliv | Gardevoir ex | Greedent |
| ||
Smoliv | Shuppet | Indeedee |
Dolliv | Banette ex | Lechonk |
Arboliva | Drifloon | Lechonk |
Toedscool | Drifblim | Lechonk |
Toedscool | Flabébé | Oinkologne |
Toedscruel | Floette | Oinkologne ex |
Capsakid | Florges | Tandemaus |
Capsakid | Dedenne | Tandemaus |
Scovillain | Dedenne | Maushold |
Growlithe | Klefki | Squawkabilly |
| ||
Growlithe | Fidough | Cyclizar |
Arcanine ex | Fidough | Cyclizar |
Houndour | Dachsbun | Flamigo |
Houndoom | Flittle | Arven |
Torkoal | Flittle | Beach Court |
Fuecoco | Flittle | Crushing Hammer |
Crocalor | Espathra | Defiance Band |
Skeledirge | Greavard | Electric Generator |
Charcadet | Greavard | Energy Retrieval |
Charcadet | Houndstone | Energy Search |
| ||
Armarouge | Mankey | Energy Switch |
Slowpoke | Primeape | Exp. Share |
Slowbro | Annihilape | Jacq |
Magikarp | Meditite | Judge |
Gyarados ex | Medicham | Katy |
Buizel | Riolu | Mesagoza |
Floatzel | Riolu | Miriam |
Alomomola | Lucario | Nemona |
Clauncher | Sandile | Nest Ball |
Clawitzer | Krokorok | Pal Pad |
| ||
Bruxish | Krookodile | Penny |
Quaxly | Hawlucha | Picnic Basket |
Quaxwell | Silicobra | Poké Ball |
Quaquaval | Sandaconda | Pokégear 3.0 |
Wiglett | Stonjourner | Pokémon Catcher |
Wiglett | Klawf | Potion |
Wugtrio | Great Tusk ex | Professor’s Research (Professor Sada) |
Cetoddle | Koraidon | Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) |
Cetoddle | Koraidon ex | Rare Candy |
Cetitan | Grimer | Rock Chestplate |
Dondozo | Muk | Rocky Helmet |
Tatsugiri | Seviper | Switch |
Magnemite | Spiritomb | Team Star Grunt |
Magneton | Croagunk | Ultra Ball |
Magnezone ex | Toxicroak ex | Vitality Band |
Mareep | Pawniard | Youngster |
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Secret Rare cards

There are four types of Secret Rare cards in the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Base Set: Illustration Rare (IR), Ultra Rare (UR), Special Illustration Rare (SIR), and Hyper Rare (HR).
Related: Pokémon TCG Silver Tempest Card List
IR Tarountula | UR Banette ex |
IR Dolliv | UR Great Tusk ex |
IR Toedscool | UR Koraidon ex |
IR Scovillain | UR Toxicroak ex |
IR Armarouge | UR Iron Treads ex |
IR Slowpoke | UR Oinkologne ex |
IR Clauncher | UR Arven |
IR Wiglett | UR Jacq |
IR Dondozo | UR Katy |
IR Pachirisu | UR Miriam |
| |
IR Pawmot | UR Penny |
IR Drowzee | UR Professor’s Research (Professor Sada) |
IR Ralts | UR Professor’s Research (Professor Turo) |
IR Kirlia | UR Team Star Grunt |
IR Fidough | SIR Spidops ex |
IR Greavard | SIR Miraidon ex |
IR Riolu | SIR Gardevoir ex |
IR Sandile | SIR Great Tusk ex |
IR Klawf | SIR Koraidon ex |
IR Mabosstiff | SIR Iron Treads ex |
| |
IR Bombirdier | SIR Arven |
IR Kingambit | SIR Jacq |
IR Starly | SIR Miriam |
IR Skwovet | SIR Penny |
UR Spidops ex | HR Miraidon ex |
UR Arcanine ex | HR Koraidon ex |
UR Gyarados ex | HR Nest Ball |
UR Magnezone ex | HR Rare Candy |
UR Miraidon ex | HR Lightning Energy |
UR Gardevoir ex | HR Fighting Energy |
For more information on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, check out Is Walking Wake Shiny locked in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet? here on Pro Game Guides.
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Published: Mar 17, 2023 11:05 am