It’s no secret that level grinding in any Pokémon game is an arduous task (even with a continuously active EXP share), and Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are no different. If you want to level up your Pokémon instantly, there is only one solution: feed them Rare Candies.
However, there are only a finite number of Rare Candies in the game. This guide will show you where all of them are located in the Sinnoh remakes.
1. Eterna City, South Exit

Speak with Professor Rowan’s Assistant and he’ll give you a Rare Candy.
2. Wayward Cave

It can be found in a Pokéball one of the left most spaces, past two trainers.
3. Route 207

Fly to Oreburgh City and ride your bike up the mudslide. Enter the small opening to your right. The Rare Candy is buried in the ground on one of the higher cliffs.
4. Spacious Cave, Oreburgh Underground

The fastest way to this area is to go under in Ramanas Park, though Sandgem Town or Oreburgh City will do.
5. Solaceon Ruins

Fly to Solaceon Town and enter the Solaceon Ruins, or the cave to its right. The Rare Candy is one of the four items you can find at the bottom.
6. Team Galactic Headquarters, Veilstone City

Enter Team Galactic HQ and use the first yellow warp point you see. It should lead you to a room with two beds. Take the stairs above it. Take the middle warp point as shown above. The Rare Candy is hidden within the leftmost box found in the next room.
7. Route 214

From Veilstone City, take the South Exit. Surf on the lake to your right. The Rare Candy is in a Pokéball on the other side.
8. Route 212

Fly to Pastoria City and exit left. Walk into the marsh above the 212 sign. The Rare Candy is buried somewhere in the leftmost part of the marsh.
9. Valor Lakefront

In Valor Lakefront, use Rock Climb until you can get to this area shown above. The Rare Candy is hidden in this wall.
Related: All TM locations in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
10. Route 218

Fly to Canalave City and exit right (or if you are in Jubilife City, exit left). Use Surf to reach this area.
11. Spacious Cave, Eterna Underground

The fastest way to this area is to go under in Iron Island, though it is also reachable from Eterna City. If you wish to go to Iron Island, however, take the boat in Canalave City.
12. Mount Coronet, 1F (Route 211 entrance)

Fly to Celestic Town and exit left. Enter Mount Coronet from the entrance in Route 211. Use Strength on the boulder above and Rock Smash twice to your left to reach the area shown in the picture above.
13. Mount Coronet, B2F (Route 211 entrance)

Fly to Celestic Town and exit left. Enter Mount Coronet from the entrance in Route 211. Use Strength on the boulder above and go down the stairs. Run to very top of the next room. The Rare Candy is hidden in a rock.
14. Mount Coronet, Outdoors (Route 207 entrance)

Fly to Oreburgh City and enter Mount Coronet from Route 207. On your way to the Spear Pillar, you will need to go through this outdoor snowy area. The Rare Candy is hidden in a rock.
15. Mount Coronet, Cave (Route 207 entrance)

From the same snowy area above, you should see a cave located on the lowest cliff. Enter it. A Rare Candy is also hidden in a rock here.
16. Victory Road, past the Surf Room

It’s a bit of a trek but begin navigating from the room where you need Surf to move around. Go the very south of this area, past two Ace Trainers, and Surf all the way to the left. You should see a set of stairs you can climb. The Rare Candy is just beyond it.
Related: All Grand Underground Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
17. Victory Road, Cave

You can only access this area after you’ve gotten the National Pokédex. Fly to the Pokémon League and enter Victory Road from there. Remember that cave whose entrance was blocked by a man? Enter it. The Rare Candy is located on the north two rooms after it—you need Surf to reach the Rare Candy.
18. Route 224

Route 224 can be accessed when you go through the Victory Road Cave above. The Rare Candy is inside a Pokéball that can be reached via Surf.
19. Route 225

From the Fight Area on Battle Island, exit north. There are two Rare Candies in these area. The first is in a Pokéball beyond the first pair of trees you see. The second is beside the purple-roofed house, which is buried in the ground.
20. Route 230

From the Fight Area on Battle Island, exit east. Use Surf to reach the island in the middle.
21. Route 228

From the Resort Area on Battle Island, exit north. The Rare Candy is buried below the Route 228 sign.
22. Stark Mountain

It’s in a Pokéball on the left side, past two Ace Trainers.
23. Battle Tower

Rare Candies can be purchased from the Battle Tower for 20 BP.
For more help with Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, we at Pro Game Guides have you covered.
Published: Dec 8, 2021 08:15 am