Mega Banette is in Mega Raid battles in Pokémon GO, and it can be tough to take down. Players can increase their chances of victory by exploiting the Pokémon's weaknesses and using a Raid Guide to know which moves are best. Mega Banette is a sole Ghost-type Pokémon which means it is only weak to Dark and Ghost-type moves. It is resistant to Fighting, Normal, Poison, and Bug-type attacks.
How to beat Mega Banette in Pokémon GO
Mega Banette's Moveset
Quick Attacks:
- Hex (Ghost-type)
- Shadow Claw (Ghost-type)
Charged Attacks:
- Dazzling Gleam (Fairy-type)
- Thunder (Electric-type)
- Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)
Related: Pokémon GO Día de Muertos 2022 - New Costumed Duskull, Mega Banette, and Origin Forme Giratina
Best Counters to use against Mega Banette in Pokémon GO

Best Quick Attack:
Hex (Ghost-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)

Best Quick Attack:
Lick (Ghost-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)

Best Quick Attack:
Snarl (Dark-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)

Best Quick Attack:
Zen Headbutt (Psychic-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Dark Pulse (Dark-type)

Best Quick Attack:
Bite (Dark-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Brutal Swing (Dark-type)

Best Quick Attack:
Astonish (Ghost-type)
Best Charged Attack:
Shadow Ball (Ghost-type)
If none of these Pokémon are available to players heading into a Mega Banette battle, they can still be successful using any Pokémon with Ghost and Dark-type moves to take advantage of Mega Banette's weaknesses.
Want a full rundown on everything going on in Pokémon GO in November? Check out Pokémon GO November 2022 - Ursaluna Debut, Guzzlord Raids, Shiny Dratini, & More on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 2, 2022 03:03 pm