The Legendary Guardian Pokémon Tapu Bulu is making its Pokémon debut in April 2022. This is the third Guardian Pokémon to be added, with Tapu Fini being the only missing Legendary. Players can battle this Pokémon in five-star Raids from April 12, 2022, to April 26, 2022.
Raid Guide
Tapu Bulu is a Fairy and Grass-type Pokémon. This makes it extremely vulnerable to Poison-type attacks. Fire, Flying, Steel, and Ice-type moves are also good. Players should avoid using moves of the typings listed below, as Tapu Bulu is resistant to these typings:
- Fighting
- Ground
- Water
- Grass
- Electric
- Dark
- Dragon
Related: Pokémon Go Raid Guide: Glalie Best Counters and Weaknesses
Best counters to use

Quick Attack:
Poison Jab
Charged Attack:
Sludge Bomb

Quick Attack:
Poison Jab
Charged Attack:
Gunk Shot

Quick Attack:
Poison Jab
Charged Attack:
Sludge Bomb

Quick Attack:
Poison Jab
Charged Attack:
Sludge Bomb

Quick Attack:
Bullet Punch
Charged Attack:
Meteor Mash

Quick Attack:
Poison Jab
Charged Attack:
Sludge Bomb
If players do not have any of the Pokémon listed above, it is best to bring along ones that have powerful Poison-type moves. If that is unavailable, the next best move types are Flying, Steel, Fire, and Ice.
Interested in other Pokémon Go Raid Guides and want to read more? Check out Pokémon Go Raid Guide: Tapu Lele's Best Counters and Weaknesses on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Mar 26, 2022 02:55 pm