We're compiling a full list of weapons for the new battle royale game: Realm Royale. This guide will feature weapon stats, damage, and everything else you need to know to get ahead in the game.
Realm Royale Gun and Weapons List
You can currently get many different types of weapons: crossbows, pistols, rifles, shotguns, swords, and one-off legendary weapons depending on your class. Each of these weapons have four different rarities: common (white), rare (green), epic (purple), and legendary (orange). From what I can tell, you can only get non-class legendary weapons from the golden chests that drop on the map. You can get your class legendary via crafting it in the Forge.
If you're just starting out, check out our Realm Royale Beginner's Guide! If you are a bit more advanced, check out our Realm Royale Tips and Tricks!
The Crossbow has some bullet lag and some drop, it's decent for close to mid-range battles. This weapon experienced a pretty significant damage upgrade in a recent patch!
- Crossbow (Common): 350 Damage, 1.8 Shots per second.
- Crossbow (Rare): 440 Damage, 1.8 Shots per second.
- Crossbow (Epic): 530 Damage, 1.8 Shots per second.
- Crossbow (Legendary): 610 Damage, 1.8 Shots per second.
- Venom Pistol (Common): 420 Damage, 2 Shots per second.
- Venom Pistol (Rare): 516 Damage, 2 Shots per second.
The Revolver is basically your standard pistol that you find in most games.
- Revolver (Common): 320 Damage, 1.4 Shots per second.
- Revolver (Rare): 400 Damage, 1.4 Shots per second.
- Revolver (Epic): 480 Damage, 1.4 Shots per second.
- Revolver (Legendary): 560 Damage, 1.4 Shots per second.
The Auto Rifle is an automatic firing weapon that has a fast fire rate but relatively low damage.
- Auto Rifle (Rare): 175 Damage, 3 Shots per second.
- Auto Rifle (Epic): 210 Damage, 3 Shots per second.
- Auto Rifle (Legendary): 245 Damage, 3 Shots per second.
The Burst Rifle fires multiple shots per trigger pull.
- Burst Rifle (Common): 330 Damage, 1.7 Shots per second.
- Burst Rifle (Rare): 396 Damage, 1.7 Shots per second.
- Burst Rifle (Epic): 462 Damage, 1.7 Shots per second.
- Burst Rifle (Legendary): 528 Damage, 1.7 Shots per second.
Slug Rifle is more of a midrange weapon, it has a bit of bullet lag on it.
- Slug Rifle (Common): 400 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Slug Rifle (Rare): 500 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Slug Rifle (Epic): 600 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Slug Rifle (Legendary): 700 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
The Heriloom Rifle is now more of a fast shooting rifle rather than a budget sniper rifle.
- Heirloom Rifle (Common): 420 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Heirloom Rifle (Rare): 525 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Heirloom Rifle (Epic): 630 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
- Heirloom Rifle (Legendary): 735 Damage, 1.1 Shots per second.
A good short-range weapon that shoots a wide spray of buckshot that doesn't require pinpoint accuracy.
- Shotgun (Common): 550 Damage, 0.83 Shot per second.
- Shotgun (Rare): 690 Damage, 0.83 Shot per second.
- Shotgun (Epic): 830 Damage, 0.83 Shot per second.
- Shotgun (Legendary): 960 Damage, 0.83 Shots per second.
Melee weapon that you can use on very close enemies. Be sure you are actually aiming at the target when swinging, it doesn't really hit a target as a swing but only really on your crosshair.
- Sword (Common): 500 Damage, 1.3 Swings per second.
- Sword (Rare): 630 Damage, 1.3 Swings per second.
- Sword (Epic): 750 Damage, 1.3 Shots per second.
- Sword (Legendary): 880 Damage, 1.3 Swings per second.
Legendary Weapons
Each class gets a specific Legendary weapon that it can craft at the Forge. These are unique to each class and cannot be used by any of the other classes. You can check out our Realm Royale Best Weapons and Guns post to learn what you should be running in the game!
Elemental Weapons
In a recent update, they've added a random chance that when you craft a Legendary weapon it can possibly by infused with elemental power. There are three possible elements: Fire, Frost, and Lightning.
- Fire: Burns enemies for extra damage and reduces their healing.
- Frost: Slows enemies.
- Lightning: Reveals enemies through stealth and walls to you and your team.
Weapon List
- Longbow (Hunter): 900 Damage, 2.0 Shot per second.
- For a full draw on the bow it takes 2 seconds, but you don't have to do a full draw. You can fire at any point during the draw.
- Plasma Launcher (Engineer): 800 Damage, 1.0 Shot per second.
- Can deal splash damage to nearby targets.
- Sniper Rifle (Assassin): 1,100 Damage, 1.0 Shot per second.
- One shot before needing to reload. Recently nerfed to a 2,200 damage headshot that can no longer take down a fully legendaried armor wearer.
- Stone Spear (Mage): 300 Damage, 1.2 Shot per second.
- Fires three projectiles at a time. The projectile speed was increased in a recent patch which should make this better.
- Throwing Axe (Warrior): 900 Damage, 0.9 Shot per second.
- Never have to reload and can be thrown one after another quite fast.
Published: Jun 6, 2018 07:34 pm