The boss encounters of Remnant 2 can pose a challenge even on the easiest difficulty, much less when you decide to play on Nightmare mode. They require perfect play and a thorough understanding of the game's mechanics, or you'll be sent back to the nearest Worldstone in no time. Legion is one of these encounters, due to his excessive and consistent pressure mechanics. If you're daring enough to face Legion on Nightmare like my team and I were, then here's everything you need to know to bring him down.
How to win against Legion on Nightmare Difficulty in Remnant 2
Legion is a boss that forces you to pay attention to several core mechanics all at once, especially on Nightmare difficulty. There are no special tricks nor are there any additional phases, just a boss fight where you need to drop the health bar to zero. The mechanics you should know about are:
- Madness Glare - Legion will begin to glow bright red. If you are looking in his general direction during this time, you will begin to build up the Madness status effect. Madness stacks up, causing different negative effects depending on how many stacks you have. At level one, you lose access to your HUD (Heads Up Display). At level two and beyond, you will take increasingly potent DoT (Damage over Time), so long as you continue to look into Madness Glare. Look away from the red glare to avoid gaining Madness.
- Pulse Altar - The altar that Legion begins on is one of the biggest threats in the entire encounter. Throughout the fight, the altar will visually and audibly charge up. When it is at its peak, noted by the increased pitch of the charge, it will unleash a deadly wave of madness over the entire field. This wave does not inflict the Madness effect, but it does extreme damage to anyone who is struck by it. You must dodge roll through it to avoid taking damage. Breaking line of sight with the altar does not help you.
- Spawning Adds - During the above mechanics, Legion will also consistently spawn dangerous adds (additional enemies) on top of you the entire fight. They exist to draw your attention away from the Pulse Altar so that you're killed by the wave. Kill the adds ASAP.
Legion - Nightmare Strategy

On Nightmare, everything mentioned above can kill you within seconds. The Legion encounter is designed to divert your attention and test your ability to multi-task against a boss with a large health pool. So, the best way to deal with Nightmare Legion is to reduce the need to multi-task as much as possible.
On the right side of the room, close to where you enter the arena, is an elevated platform with only one way up. This platform provides you with some level of safety against the encounter's many adds, while still allowing you to see and attack Legion. Occasionally, adds will still spawn where you are, but their numbers are greatly reduced. Most of them will instead spawn below you.
This platform also offers you a stone structure that can be used to shield your eyes from Legion's gaze. As such, you'll want to be fighting Legion here as much as possible. It is the safest location in the entire room. Legion is most vulnerable to you here because you can attack him while safely warding off Madness Glare. Legion takes the most damage while casting Madness Glare as his 'eye' is a weak point during it.
However, when Legion reaches roughly 75% of his health, he will leave the altar's side and float around the room. He will occasionally fire bolts of madness at you, but these are negligible to the fight; just avoid them as best you can. More importantly, he will continue to use Madness Glare against you, meaning you'll need to reposition yourself if you cannot shield your eyes from it with a structure. Still, you can simply look away to avoid the effects.
The most dangerous part of the fight is dealing with the Pulse Altar in the back of the room. This thing cannot be destroyed. Your only option is to learn the timing and indicators for when it is about to unleash a shockwave. The main tell is the sound cue of a finished electric charge. When you hear this, be ready to dodge roll toward the direction of the altar. Dodge roll has a few invulnerability frames, so you must make use of every frame by dodging through the wave so that you aren't clipped by it.
If you can handle what I've stated above, then you're more than capable of killing Legion and winning the fight. Knowing the strategy is not enough to win against Nightmare boss fights in Remnant 2. You'll need to put some solid attempts in before this strategy will work for you. Give it a try, and learn its flow.
For more quality guides and information relating to all things Remnant 2, check out our guide on How to Get & Use the Nightweaver Stone Doll in Remnant 2 right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 25, 2023 04:26 am