Traversing Losomn in Remnant 2 is an arduous task; at the end of it, I came face-to-face with Faelin in the Beatific Gallery and Faerin in the Malefic. These figures were an important part of the Imposter quest given to me by Nimue. After speaking to both entities, I was left with the choice of whether I should side with Faerin or Faelin in Remnant 2.
Should you choose Faerin or Faelin in Remnant 2?
Ultimately, the choice is up to you, but whether you kill Faerin or Faelin in Remnant 2 should be decided by your build. If you are using a melee build, killing Faerin is the way to go, whereas killing Faelin is the better choice for a ranged build. I am playing a Hunter, so I opted to kill Faelin. Both fights are the same, so don't worry about difficulty.
The rewards you receive for defeating Faerin and Faelin vary and also affect a quest involving the two Fae statues in the Great Hall. Here are the rewards for siding with Faerin or Faelin in Remnant 2:
- Siding with Faerin
- Imposter's Heart (Used to craft Deceit)
- Faerin's Sigil (Ring)
- Strange Object (Quest Item)
- Silver Ribbon (Quest)
- Siding with Faelin
- Melded Hilt (Used to craft Godsplitter)
- Faelin's Sigil (Ring)
- Strange Object (Quest Item)
- Golden Ribbon (Quest)
Related: Healing in Remnant 2 – How to recover health, explained
How to beat Faelin and Faerin in Remnant 2

Faelin/Faerin is a challenging boss that rapidly attacks with both projectiles and melee attacks, but it becomes easier if you play with friends. I found it best to keep my distance and fire at his head, which is his weak spot. However, Faelin/Faerin can quickly close the gap or pull you toward him. He can also turn invincible, which is shown when he is highlighted in a white glow.
His primary attack methods involve either a series of rapid melee attacks or a charged overhead swing. At the same time, he can summon orbs of light that will fire shards at you. These can be hard to keep track of while keeping an eye on Faelin/Faerin, so listen for the sound cue. These orbs can be destroyed, but I found it easier to dodge them.
Additionally, Faelin/Faerin can pull you toward him, leaving you momentarily stunned. This is triggered when he creates a gold glow around you. Be sure to dodge, or you will find yourself pulled into danger. Another attack to watch out for is when a row of gold orbs appears. These will fire an attack, but will only hit you if you're close by, so you should keep your distance whenever they appear.
Faelin/Faerin also has three slam attacks. The first will happen after you take down a quarter of his health. He will float in the air and become invincible while also raising the giant swords in the arena above you. Keep an eye out and get ready to dodge when they slam down.
The other two slam attacks occur when you weaken Faelin/Faerin enough to break his stance. He becomes enraged and will turn invisible. Glowing spots appear on the ground, indicating where a sword will slam. Avoid these and prepare to dodge when Faelin/Faerin rematerializes and slams down himself. You only have a brief window of time to hit Faelin/Faerin during this phase.
Ultimately, your best bet is to keep your distance and land headshots when you can. Don't get greedy with your shots, or you will leave yourself open to attacks. In addition, don't forget to use your mods; I found the Voltaic Rondure Weapon Mod to be extremely useful. Once you defeat Faelin or Faerin, return to the other to receive their Sigil, then head to Ward 13 and speak to McCabe to craft your weapon.
For more information on Remnant 2, check out Best Solo Class in Remnant 2 – Full Build Guide and Remnant 2 Archetype Tier List: All Classes, Ranked on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 25, 2023 11:57 am