During your Type Soul Campaign, you have to meet several NPCs to embark on a unique quest or purchase valuable items. So, if you are unaware of the NPC locations in the Type Soul universe, here is the perfect guide to help you track them down.
Where are the NPCs located in Type Soul?
Below, you can find all the NPCs in Type Soul and the easiest way to reach them in the game.
Accessory Shop NPC - Nel Tu

Meeting the Nel Tu NPC is the only way to get accessories in Type Soul. You can locate the NPC inside a white-colored building on the second lane of the Karakura Town district, to the left of the main bridge. Enter the shop, and you will find the Nel Tu NPC on the bottom floor. Pay Kan and purchase any essential/non-essential items from the NPC.
Bank NPC - Nel

Indicative of its name, the Nel NPC helps you store all of your valuable items in the game and acts as a storage unit. You can find Nel sleeping on a chair right behind an alley in the Karakura Town playground area. Interact with him to store all your valuable items in the game.
Bankai NPC - Kisuke

If you want to awaken your Bankai, you have to meet the Kisuke NPC in Type Soul. He stands in the jungle area on the north side of the Karakura Town. Pass through the Karakura Town Tunnel and find him standing near a wooden bench in a park-like area. It is the only area after crossing the tunnel, making it easy to track him down once you’ve ventured through it.
Barber Shop NPC - The Prodigy
You can find the Prodigy NPC in front of a small house in the center of Karakura Town. Pay him 150,000 Kan to change your hairstyle into anything of your choice (enter any hair asset ID).
Exchange NPC - Bong Bong
The Bong Bong NPC allows you to trade 10 of your legendary items for one mythical item (not guaranteed exchange). You can find this NPC inside the second red-colored barn house near the Soul Society Portal. Go to her and try your luck at obtaining a mythical item in the game!
The Clan NPC

The Clan NPC helps you to join or leave a clan. You can find them on the first floor of the construction building on the city side of Karakura Town. Travel along the river bank after crossing the bridge to locate this building. Remember, you need 200K Kan and must reach Elite Grade to join a clan.
EXP Checker NPC - Bambietta

The Bambietta is an NPC located inside the Hospital landmark right behind the KT Raid Shop. Enter the building, and you will find her on the bottom floor near the reception. Pay her 1000 Kan to reveal your XP ratings in the game.
Itemize NPC - Myrnite

The Myrnite NPC is inside the greenhouse on the poorer side of Karakura Town. He allows you to itemize all your existing skills as tradeable items. Just bring a Black Elixir and gift it to him to start itemizing any skills like Formless Fighting Style or more.
KT Raid Shop NPC

The KT Raid Shop NPC is located on the top floor of a brown building at the center of Karakura Town, right next to the bridge. Go to the backside of the building to find the NPC. Remember, you can only speak to this NPC after winning the Karakura Raid to purchase the items he sells.
Leave Division NPC - KhaotXC

If you want to leave your division, you have to contact the KhaotXC NPC in Type Soul. The NPC will be standing near the giant archway on the main staircase at the center of the Soul Society.
Raid Boss NPC - Kisuke

This Kisuke NPC is responsible for starting all the Boss raids in Type Soul. You can see him sitting on a bench in a small alley right at the center of Karakura Town. Bring four other friends with you to speak with him and start the raids. You can quickly locate him if you move toward the right side of the Storage Guy NPC.
Trading NPCs
There are a total of three NPCs in Type Soul who can help you trade your items with other players.
- NPC 1: In the tunnel of Hueco Mundo universe.
- NPC 2: Sitting on a bench near the construction building where you can find the Clan NPCs.
- NPC 3: In the balcony area of a small building behind the main headquarters in Soul Society.
V- Unequaled, Unrivaled NPC

The V NPC is necessary for your resurrections in Type Soul. The NPC is on the first floor of a barn house on the poorer side of Karakura Town. If you are confused about the location, it is in the same lane as the Soul Society portal.
For more Roblox Type Soul guides, check out All Boss Drops, Locations, and Respawn Timings in Type Soul and All Essences in Type Soul and how to get them on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 25, 2024 04:22 pm