Apart from using essential items in the game, you have to learn the attack and movement philosophy of each monster in Pressure to survive for a long time. So, if you are constantly getting killed by the same monster again and again, refer to this strategy guide to avoid them.
How to Survive all Monsters in Pressure Guide
Below, I have mentioned all the monsters in Pressure and the ways to counter them. Follow it strictly, and you will survive for a long time inside the game.

The Angler will be the first monster you encounter in Pressure due to its high spawn rate in the first zone. He is pretty easy to spot, as all the lights will start flickering, and you will hear a loud screaming even though he is miles away. So, when you hear these cues, hide inside a nearby locker until he disappears.
The Pinkie is another monster that spawns quite a lot in the initial few areas. The only way to spot this monster is by the howling, screeching noise. The moment you hear this noise, hide inside a locker to save yourself from the beast. The best part is that he only comes once and does not backtrack. So, the moment he crosses your locker door, he won't be seen again in the game.

The Frogger is a monster that also has similar cues like flickering lights and screaming noise like an Angler. The only difference between both is that the Angler only passes by once, whereas the Frogger backtracks multiple times. In fact, many people report that Frogger stalked them at least three to four times before they disappeared. I recommend hiding in the locker until the creature disappears completely.

The Blitz is also another easy monster to evade in Pressure. Before he spawns, the light will flicker twice with a one-second gap between, and you will not hear any sound for the next four seconds. At the start of the fifth second, a huge, loud noise will heard, and Blitz will be behind you. So, to avoid him altogether, hide inside a door as soon as you see the lights flickering. He is swift, and you have to find a locker within five seconds, or you will meet your demise!

The Chainsmoker makes a crackling/coughing noise in the game. He usually spawns when you emerge out of a water section. It is challenging to know his timing as he is extremely slow and takes around ten or more seconds to spawn after giving clues, wasting your valuable time inside the bunker. Still, I recommend hiding after 5 to 7 seconds once you hear the sound.

The Pandemonium is another very slow monster. He is so slow that you can actually hide in a side room and avoid looking him straight in the eye instead of looking for a locker. If you do hide in a locker, you have to play the Pandemonium locker mini-game that revolves around keeping the dot at the center using your mouse or anything that moves your camera. Also, whenever Pandemonium is about to appear, the lights flicker very fast, I mean very fast than any other monster cues.
Good People

The Good People attack suddenly and kill you when you open a fake door. So, the best technique to avoid this monster is to identify if there are Good People behind the door by analyzing if you hear any huffing or breathing sounds before opening any side doors or additional areas.
Wall Dwellers

The Wall Dwellers may look like passive creatures who may not harm you, but that's not the case, as they can sneak behind you and kill you. So, how do you get rid of them? Well, just look at them once, and they will go and hide. Keep repeating until they get scared and never spawn. The best way to know if a Wall Dweller is following you or not is by noticing an additional two footsteps apart from your default one.

The Squiddles only spawn in extremely dark space. They are usually harmless and won't attack you if you don't flash a light directly into their face. But, if you use a bright light, they will immediately pounce on you and kill you. I recommend switching to a dull light source like a backlight or hand-cranked flashlight while exploring unlit rooms.

The Eyefestation is pretty easy to identify and tackle. Whenever Eyesfestation is nearby, you will find your entire screen filled with a green aura, and all you have to do is walk straight until you cross the creature without looking toward it. If you look towards it, your eyes will get infected and die pretty quickly!
Void Mass

The Void Mass are creatures who hide inside the locker cupboards. So, before opening any locker door, see through the small holes for any blue eyes or breathing noise before opening. Also, they tend to spawn only in multiplayer mode and less in solo runs. In case you or your friend gets caught by one of these monsters, just open the locker and flash the light to release the captured person.

The Trenchbleeder is a robot monster that players will encounter while swimming or diving underwater. The only way to escape from this robot-like creature is to swim in the opposite direction and go away from it.

If you are underwater for a long time, you will find a lot of bug-like creatures fully covering your screen. These are nothing but parasites who will slowly chew away your health. To avoid this, move your camera to remove all the pesty insects.

The Multi-Monster is one of the rarest creatures in the game. Whenever it appears, you will hear a static radio-like noise in the room. Upon hearing this cue, hide in the nearby locker.
Mr Lopee

Mr. Lopee is another rare and mysterious monster who will only kill players who are way behind their party members during the multiplayer mode. To avoid him, you need to stick with your gang all the time.
For more on Roblox, check out How to get all 50 badges in Roblox Pressure or How to get all badges in Roblox Doors on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 23, 2024 06:43 am