Updated: March 12, 2025
We added new codes!
Anime Last Stand has quickly become my go-to tower defense game, especially with its roster of iconic anime characters like Goku from Dragonball and Luffy from One Piece, serving as the main defense towers. The codes have definitely enhanced my gameplay, making it easier and more enjoyable to build up my base and strategize my defenses.
The codes in this game dish out Emeralds, the essential in-game currency needed to purchase and upgrade towers. They also offer various time-limited boosts, which are crucial for those intense waves of enemies. Having these extra resources and boosts means I can focus more on strategy and less on grinding for currency, which is a big plus in my book. For more titles like this, check out Tower Defense Simulator Codes.
Anime Last Stand Codes List
Working Anime Last Stand Codes (Active)
- GreenEsperMETA!—Redeem for Free rewards (New)
- HeroHunterGOOD!—Redeem for Free rewards (New)
- JenosDemonBLASTED—Redeem for Free rewards (New)
- BaldyDeadlySerious—Redeem for Free rewards (New)
- SuperSecretCode—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- CosmicFear—Redeem for 15 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- SurvivalGamemode—Redeem for 15 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- STRONGEST!—Redeem for 15 Rerolls and1 Pearl
- OnePunchManUPDATE—Redeem for 5 Technique Shards
- CosmicGarou—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- EsperISMID—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- BombiISFUN—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- GeornoRequiem!—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- SecretCode!!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and a Pearl
- EmeraldCode3!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15k Emeralds
- ValentinesDayPart2—Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 150 Love Letters and 1 Pearl
- OldUnitsBack—Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 150 Love Letters and 1 Pearl
- 800KSUBS!—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- WaifuUpdateSoon?—Redeem for 7 Technique Shards
- SpecialCode!—Redeem for 10 rerolls and 1 Pearl
- EmeraldCode2!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15,000 Emeralds
- Valentine's Day—Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 1 Pearl, and 250 Chocolate Bars
- InventoryRework!—Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 1 Pearl, and 250 Chocolate Bars
- Patch!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- EmeraldCode!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15k Emeralds
- PEAK!!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- GodlyLuffy!—Redeem for 30 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- OnePieceUPD!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- UIRevamp!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- NEWGODLYUNITSOON—Redeem for 10 Technique Shards
- AnniEventWEEK!!—Redeem for 33 Technique Shards
- DAILYRewards?!—Redeem for 11 Technique Shards
- AnniDungeonRelease!—Redeem for 11 Technique Shards
- TitansAreReal—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- EnchantsSoon—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- ShadowMonarch!—Redeem for 20 rerolls
- Dungeons!—Redeem for 30 rerolls
- AnotherSecretCode!—Redeem for 10 rerolls
- NewUi!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 400 Susanoo Shards
- BattlepassReset!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- SecretCode—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- GreatWarWow!—Redeem for 400 Susanoo Shards
- NewCaverns!—Redeem for 30 Rerolls and 500 Jewels
- NewGlobalBoss!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 2 Mythic Chards
- HapplyNewYear!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 500 Snowflakes
- ALS2025!—Redeem for 40 Rerolls
- HappyHolidays!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 200 Snowflakes
- AncientVampireIsBack!!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- MerryChrisTMas!—Redeem for 5 Mythic Shards, 40 Rerolls, 500 Snowflakes
- ExtraChristmasBaby!—Redeem for 60 Rerolls (only works in private servers)
- SORRYforIssues!!—Redeem for 15 Rerolls and 200 Snowflakes
- NewGodly!—Redeem for 8 Mythic Shards
- ChristmasRaid!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls and 300 Snowflakes
- EventBP!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- BLEACHWAVE!—Redeem for 7 Rerolls
- Sub2OtakuGaming—Redeem for 10 Mythic Shards
- NewUpdateKrazy!—Redeem for a unit
- Sorry4LateUPD!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 25 Skin Tickets
- BossRush!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 350 Jewels
- SkinBanner!—Redeem for 25 Skin Tickets
- BossIGCool!—Redeem for Free rewards
- LateUpdSorry!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 2k Emeralds
- NewLobby!—Redeem for 15 Rerolls
- LSwat!—Redeem for 35 Rerolls
- SryForDelay!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- FateIsHere!—Redeem for 3k Emeralds and 20 Rerolls
- NoLagWow!—Redeem for 500 Jewels and 10 Rerolls
- WorldHop!—Redeem for 5 Story Skippers
- SORRYLuvU!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- BossStudio4Life!—Redeem for 50 Rerolls
- Evos!—Redeem for 3 Perfect Stat Cubes and 10 Stat Cubes
- Tournaments!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- Drops!—Redeem for 2 Drop Potions
- TY1MGroup—Redeem for Free rewards (works in new servers)
- NewEra!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- MasteredUltraInstinct!—Redeem for 30 Rerolls
- DBUPDPt2!—Redeem for 20 Ki Crystals and 15 Rerolls
- SirBrandonInsta—Redeem for 15 Rerolls
- LevelRewards!—Redeem for 400 Jewels and 200 Halloween Currency
- NewSecret!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 200 Jewels
- LagFixes!!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- Thegrammyisbacky—Redeem for 50 Rerolls
- ThrillerBark—Redeem for 25 Rerolls and 1000 Jewels
- 100RRLIMITEDTIMECODE—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- Raffle—Redeem for 50 Rerolls
- Nomoredelay!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- ThrillerNext!—Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- BugsFixed!—Redeem for 400 Event Currency and Jewels
- BossStudio4Life—Redeem for rewards
- 500MVISITS!—Redeem for 50 Rerolls
- Spooky!—Redeem for 50 Candy
- Dracula!?—Redeem for 5 Mythic Shards
- CLANWARS—Redeem for 500 Jewels, 100 Candy, 10 Rerolls
- TheFixesAreHere!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls (Use in Private Servers)
- Lagfixes!!—Redeem for 50 Rerolls (Use in Private Servers)
- SorryForBugs!—Redeem for 400 Jewels, 15 Rerolls, and 3 Event Spins
- theGramALS—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 3 Event Spins
- Bleach2—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- MakeYourClan!—Redeem for 500 Jewels
- PodcastyCodeBois!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- NewGODLY!!—Redeem for 400 Jewels, 25 Rerolls and 500 Soul Coins
- 2xPOINTS—Redeem for 25 Rerolls
- SorryForBugs!!—Redeem for 400 Soul Coins
- 300KLIKES!!—Redeem for 15 Rerolls and 250 Jewels
- JointheGram!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- 10KAGAIN??—Redeem for 500 Jewels and 50 Rerolls
- ZankaNoTachi—Redeem for 500 Jewels, 20 Rerolls and 200 Soul Coins
- TheOne—Redeem for 500 Jewels
- ShinigamiVsQuincy—Redeem for 25 Rerolls and 100 Soul Coins
- QOLpart2Next!—Redeem for 100 Rerolls
- TYBW..?—Redeem for 25 Rerolls and 25 Water Essence
- NewBUNDLES?!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- BOBAKISBACK!—Redeem for 10 Rerolls and Code Items
- Goodluck!!—Redeem for 1k Jewels
- Welcome!!—Redeem for 15k Emeralds
- FollowDalG—Redeem for Rewards
- 10KFR!—Redeem for 50 Rerolls
- OverHeaven!—Redeem for 30 Rerolls and Codes Items
- JOJOUpdate!—Redeem for 25 Rerolls and Code Item
- HeavenUpdateHYPE??—Redeem for 15 Reroll Shards and 100 Jewels
- SLIME!!—Redeem for 15 Reroll Shards, 60 Magisteel, and 200 Jewels
- SecretCodeFR—Redeem for 15 Reroll Shards
- Event!!!—Redeem for 10 Reroll Shards, 50 Magisteel, and 3 Slime Capsules
- TensuraSlime!—Redeem for 5 Reroll Shards and 100 Jewels
- UPDTIME—Redeem for 25 Reroll Shards
- BPReset!—Redeem for 15 Reroll Shards and 400 Jewels
Expired Anime Last Stand Codes (Inactive)
- QuestsFixed!
- Bugfixesgoincrazy
- FreeBossBKK!
- HuntersW?
- DragonsL?
- NewEraComing
- DragonVSHunters
- Sorry4ShutdownAgain!!
- Sorry4Shutdown!!
- MoreCodes!!
- CID!
- Summer2024!
- TorSavedALS
- RobloxBrokeUs!
- FollowBoss
- DemonPortals!!
- 170kLikes
- 170kFavorites
- PatchUpdate!!
- SorryForShutdown!!
- UpdateRerolls!!
- Sorry4Delay!
- ChooChoo
- QOLSprinkleUPD
- FreeRerolls!!
- QuickFixies
- QuickRestart!
- QOLUpdate2!
- Part1UPD!
- HBDCaleB2024
- X7Weekend!
- ConverterFix?!
- BannerFix!?!
- BugFixesTeehee
- CaleBTheHero
- DelayedUpdate
- OPMUpdate
- BossStudiosOnTop
- AdmiralsUPD
- SaviourCaleB
- AriseWakeyWakey
- BossStudio1stUpd
- BossStudiosTakeover!
- ToTheFuture!!
- EraOfTheAdmirals
- Update5!
- LongMaitenanceLimitedCode
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion2
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion
- HappyEaster
- ShenronFixImSorry
- SubToBlamSpotonYoutubeForShenron
- TheGoat
- Goodbye Mash
- GlitchFix
- Update4HYPE!
- 2xMeshChance
- EnjoyTheQuestReset!
- 2xDropsUpdateSOONHype!
- 500kMembersLETSGOO
- 400kMembersLETSGOO
- BlamsQuestBugCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- GrindRerollsFromChallenges!
- Glitched
- Update3
- Blams100kLikesCode
- BlamSpotsOP75MillVisitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- BackupMinatoMustBeSubbedtoTorToWork
- Blams100kFavoritesCode
- PortalBugFixes
- Real
- SorryForDelayAndMaintenance
- ALSUpdate2YutaHype
- ThankYouSoMuch45mVisits
- Update3MiniHypeCode
- BlamsSecretMiniUpdateMustBeSubbedToWork
- evolvethis
- ALSUpdateIsCooking
- SkillTreeRestALPHAReportAnyBugs
- 50ThousandsFavorites!!!
- TyFor25mVisitsOMG!
- 200kMembersINSANE!
- Sub2Shock
- TyFor1mVisitsPart2
- TyFor1mVisitsPart1
- TyFor10kFavREAL
- TyFor2kFav
- GoalReached
- Fixes
- Shutdown
- YammoRework
- SorryForDelay
- FinalDelay
- 3219872
- here
- Async
- Shock
- FreeNami
Related: Anime Last Stand Techniques Tier List & Reroll Guide
How to redeem codes in Anime Last Stand
Follow the instructions below to redeem codes in Anime Last Stand.

- Launch Anime Last Stand on Roblox.
- Click on the Open Menu button on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click on the Codes button to open the Enter Code Here text box.
- Enter working codes into the Enter Code Here text box.
- Click on the Redeem code button to claim your free reward.
How to get more Anime Last Stand codes
To get the latest Anime Last Stand codes, be sure to follow the developers on their @Shockz_Dev X (Twitter) page and join their official Anime Last Stand Discord server. The easiest way is to save this page as a bookmark by pressing Ctrl+D, as we promptly refresh it with the most recent codes as soon as they become accessible.
Why are my Anime Last Stand codes not working?
The main reason why codes might not work in Anime Last Stand is usually due to user input errors. Many Roblox games, including this one, are case-sensitive when it comes to entering codes. To ensure accuracy, it's recommended to simply copy and paste the codes from this page.
In the event that a code has expired, the game will show a notification that reads, "This code is expired" when you attempt to input it. Any other message appearing during your code entry indicates that the code is still valid. If you've correctly entered a non-expired code and it's not functioning, it's likely that you've already used that particular code.
Other ways to get free rewards in Anime Last Stand
To get free rewards in Anime Last Stand, make sure to log in daily. You will gain an increasing amount of Emeralds each time you log back in, so it pays off to be consistent. Moreover, check back into the official Anime Last Stand Discord server to catch any potential giveaways.
What is Anime Last Stand?
The gameplay in Anime Last Stand is all about strategic placement and upgrading your anime character towers to fend off waves of opponents. Before each wave, players must use their resources wisely to fortify their base, making decisions on which towers to upgrade or where to place new ones for maximum effectiveness. It's a blend of fan service for anime lovers and a genuinely challenging tower defense setup that requires thought and planning to progress.
If you're looking for codes for other games, we have a ton of them in our Roblox Game Codes post! You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page.
Published: Mar 12, 2025 12:02 am