Apeirophobia is one of the most popular horror adventure games on the Roblox platform, and developer Polaroid Studios has added two new levels to the base game: Level 11 and 12. Like previous levels in the game, you have to spend a lot of time exploring and finishing various puzzles to complete the levels. In case you don't have the luxury to spend your valuable time exploring or are hard stuck in a particular sequence for the newly released levels, read our in-depth level guide below.
Level 11 - Apeirophobia Walkthrough
As soon as the level begins, start moving to your right, and you will find a reception table in front of you. Take a right turn from the reception table and travel straight down the hallway till you find the first room on the left-hand side of the hallway. Inside the room, you will find four items in different colors. Note down the color pattern in the order of their appearance. For example, you might find the Orange, White items on the first rack table and Purple, Green on the second. So, the color pattern should be either Orange-White-Purple-Green or Orange-White-Green-Purple.
Related: Apeirophobia Codes (August 2022)
Head back to the reception table, and you can find a small room with a code lock past it, on the opposite end of the same hallway. Input the color code and collect the crowbar inside the room. Use the crowbar to break a room adjacent to the room you got your crowbar from. Access the laptop in the room and confirm the request. Return to your original spawn location.
You can find a shutter door on the left side of the spawn location, opening slowly. Go through the shutter door, and you can find a big warehouse. Follow the wooden planks till you reach the opposite side of the warehouse. It's vital to follow the brown planks. Otherwise, it's pretty easy to get lost in the dark ambiance of the warehouse.
After reaching the other side, you must find two keys and open two shutter doors. You can find the first key by following the right-sided planks of the area and find the first shutter in the center part of those vertical plank areas. Inside the first shutter door, you can find the second key. Use the key to open the door to return to the warehouse. Follow the same wooden planks till you see the door with a red button to exit and complete the level.
Level 12 - Apeirophobia Walkthrough
Level 12 revolves around picking up three colored paintings in an area full of rooms in a maze-like structure and placing them on the image placeholder in your spawn location. So, to narrow down your search time, two paintings can be found in the area through the entrance door in front of the paintings' placeholder spawn area, and the remaining one from the series of entrances through the entrance door adjacent to the placeholder area on the right side.
All the paintings will be on the wall, and none will be on the ground or on any table. So, if you enter a room, check the walls carefully, even your blindside. There are a lot of rooms in each area, and you can't reach the paintings without some exploration of the area.
Each time you stack a painting on the placeholder, your view will get a light shade of red and keep increasing. By the end, your complete POV will turn red. After collecting and stacking the three paintings and everything around you turned into a red shade. Follow the only white light emerging from one of the rooms on the right side of the placeholder spawn area to finish level 12.
For more on Roblox Apeirophobia, check out Roblox Apeirophobia Walkthrough – How to beat levels 0-10 or Roblox Apeirophobia Level 7 Code – How to solve on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Aug 8, 2022 04:54 am