Unlike a Car, Fixing your Van in a Dusty Trip is challenging due to the lack of a proper tutorial menu. So, if you are one of those players having difficulty assembling your vehicle, here is a detailed guide on how to fix your Van in Roblox A Dusty Trip.
How to Repair Your Van in a Dusty Trip
You can find your Van at the back of your building. Head to the back of the building to locate the Van in front of you. So, to fix the Van, you need to fit the following items.
- All Four Doors
- All Four Tires
- One Radiator
- One Engine
- Front Grill
- Two Headlamps
- Gear Box Cover
Right in front of the Van, you will find three Doors. The Large, shiny one is the backdoor. Take it and attach it to the back.
The Remaining two doors are for the right front and middle doors. Fix it as shown in the image. While attaching the right middle door, you will find the Left front door inside the Van; obtain that before attaching it. Take the Left Front Door and attach it to the driver's side.
The next step is to attach the front grill and the two headlights next to the makeshift toilet. Gather the items and place them in front of the Van, as shown.
Related: Best Roblox Car Games
Now, it's time to place the tires. Go inside the house, and you will find three tires near the garage and the fourth tire on the other end. Take each tire and place them on the wheel area, one by one.
The remaining significant things are the Engine and the Radiator. Take the Radiator from the Garage table and place it above the front grill of the Van.
Unlike the Car, you must place the Engine inside the Van. Take the Engine from the Garage Table and place it near the Gear Area. On top of that, place the black-colored Gearbox holder.
All that is left is to put the fuel and get going. Get the gasoline container under the garage table and go to the back of the Van to fill it out. Get inside the Van and pull up the handbrake with your hand. Start the Engine and get going.
For more on Roblox, check out How to Fix Your Car in A Dusty Trip – Roblox or A Dusty Trip Survival Guide – How to Keep Driving on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Mar 26, 2024 1:15 PM UTC