Whether you prefer to take your role-playing experiences more seriously (creating a family, buying a house, and working a job), or you're known as the annoying town troll (always trying to find new ways to mess with your co-players), Brookhaven has something for everyone. If you're typically the latter, someone who enjoys playing a good prank, the secret couch glitch could be right up your alley. With this glitch, you can pick characters up without needing permission, and take poor AFK avatars far away from wherever they may call home. To learn more, continue reading below.
How to do the couch glitch in Brookhaven
Luckily, this glitch is super easy to do, and, as of the time of this article's publication, is still active. Once you've spawned into Brookhaven, leave the spawn area and locate Club Brooks.

Walk into the Club Brooks entryway and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs on your right is a door that leads you to the actual club.

Inside the club's VIP area should be a white couch—when you find it, sit on it.

Doing so should make a small couch icon appear at the bottom of your screen, as if it's been added to your item hot bar. Clicking this icon, or pressing the 1 key, will now equip the couch to your avatar, causing them to hold it high above their head!

That's all there is to it, you've now discovered the Brookhaven couch glitch and all of its glory! If you want to troll people with this glitch, I'd suggest making your avatar as small as possible (0.5) and then running toward any standing player. Because your avatar is so small, you'll be able to pick up unsuspecting players, and they'll be automatically placed on your couch. Just as a heads up, though, some players may not find this prank as funny as you or I do!

That's it for this guide on how to do the couch glitch in Brookhaven. Have you tried this glitch yet? Do you have any other ways that you like to troll people in Brookhaven? Let me know in the comments below!
Looking for more Brookhaven content? Check out some of our other guides on Where to find Siren Head in Roblox Brookhaven or How to fly in Roblox Brookhaven here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Aug 9, 2023 09:51 am