Similar to most horror survival experiences on Roblox, Pressure has dozens of badges to unlock. Some of these can be unlocked by dying a few times, while others require you to survive horrific monsters. So, if you are a completionist and want to unlock the badges, here is the perfect guide for you to follow.
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All Pressure Raveyard Event Badges - Halloween Update
The Halloween Update for Pressure has introduced several new badges to the base game. You can find details about all such badges and the quickest way to unlock them below.
Dress Code Violation

- You can get this badge by escaping the Bouncer. You will meet him very early in the game during your run, and once you encounter him, a chase sequence will be initiated. Simply evade him by moving in the right direction through the garden area until you reach the final purple gates that come one after the other.
Candle Wax

- For the Candle Wax badge, you have to leave the Catacombs area securely without dying. The main difficulty here is to dodge the Skelepede entity that resides in water. To counter this creature, move in and out of water when possible, and don't walk in a straight line inside the water. The main reason for this is that the entity receives a speed boost if you walk in a straight line, instantly killing you. So, move left and right as much as possible, and exit the Catacombs area as quickly as possible.
Monster Mash
- The Monster Mash badge is one of the easiest badges to get in the Raveyard Halloween Update. All you have to do is perform an emote with the dancing skeletons inside the haunted bar. You can easily identify the bar using the above-mentioned Neon Sign. Just follow the sign, and you will reach the party/bar area.
Put It On My Tab

- This is also another easy badge to acquire, as all you have to do is buy 10 Tonic Drinks inside the bar in the Catacombs section. Just go to the bar front and interact with the glass to buy drinks. Remember, each drink costs around $150. So, loot as much money as you can until you reach the Catacombs to cover the expenses for the drinks.
Where's Everyone Going? BINGO?
- Once you complete the Catacombs section, you will fall into the deeper ruins and must resurface again to get this badge. Here, you will face a stone man entity similar to the weeping angel statue that can be stopped by flashing lights. Remember, though they are easy to counter, there are multiple of them roaming the area. So, beware of your resources and move strategically until you resurface to get the badge
So I Guess We'll Never Dance Again
- You will get this badge if you reach the end of the Raveyard special map. Use the tips & tricks mentioned for the above badges, and you will reach the end pretty easily!
All badges in Pressure and how to earn them
Below, I have listed all badges in Pressure and the methods to obtain them quickly.
- Join and play the game for the first time.
You've Got Great Taste
- Simply purchase a new uniform from the game store.
Send in the Next Time
- Simply Die once in the game.
Leave The Dead Where They Fall
- Die more than ten times.
Dropping Like Flies
- Die more than 25 times.
Drowning In An Ocean Of Corpses
- Die more than 50 times.
The Floors Are Their Canvas
- Die more than 100 times.
No Refunds
- Get Revived at least once.
Every Lung Has Its Iron
- Survive an Angler entity roaming between section 05 and section 10 by hiding inside any iron cupboard.
Ready For Anything
- Survive an Angler entity roaming between section 05 and section 10 by hiding inside any iron cupboard.
An Ocean Of Blood
- Encounter Froger and survive it.
- Encounter the Blitz entity and survive it.
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
- Encounter the Chainsmoker entity.
- Encounter the Pandemonium entity in the game and survive it.
- Encounter the Pandemonium entity in the game and survive it without hiding in any locker.
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
- Survive the Eye Infestation Monster in Pressure.
- Anger any Eye Infestation using a Flash Beacon and survive the monster.
- Encounter the Good People entity after opening any fake door.
Fool Me Once, Twice, Thrice, Fource And Fivce
- Open more than five different fake doors during a single run.
Huh Wuh
- Find any monster or entity inside a locker area.
Will 2 Live
- Save one of your friends from any locker monster like Multi-Void.
Smartest ROBLOX Players
- Get killed in the same locker room where your teammate was dead. For this, I recommend hiding in lockers where Multi-voids spawn a lot, like between doors 30 and 50.
A Shot In The Dark
- Get Attacked by the Eric Entity.
Too Close To The Sun
- Agitate the Eric entity by flashing any light against his face for more than 1.5 seconds.
They’re In The Walls
- Encounter a Wall Dweller and stare at them until they run off.
Not On MY Watch!
- Scare or beat any Wall Dwellers targetting your teammates.
We Outta Wall Dwellers
- Eat the flesh of any dead Wall Dwellers lying around the rooms.
Ouch Ouchie STOOOOPPPP!!!!
- Encounter the Parasites, and they will stick to your body. Now, go near any light sources to make them jump off your body.
Eyes In The Skies
- Encounter the Searchlights at the end.
Lucy's Shadow
- Encounter the Searchlights at the end and beat it entirely by hiding in lockers and moving slowly.
Uneasy Alliance
- Meet Sebastian Shoelace in his shop located between rooms 40 and 60.
Just Good Business
- Buy all the items in the Sebastian Shop, which is located between rooms 45 and 55.
- To get this badge, you have to die by exploding while wearing the prison diving gear. Just try to leave the Hadal Blacksite or Let-Vand Zone, and the HQ will trigger the explosive on your gear.
Letting Go Of POVERTY, Watch This!
- This is another very simple badge to get. All you have to do is die from the speakers while wearing the default prison diving gear.
Mysterious Benefactor
- Meet Mr.Lopee once in the game. This badge is very easy to get. Simply walk slowly to fall behind your friend's group, and then you can meet Mr.Lopee, who will teleport you to the first door.
- There are two ways to unlock this badge. You can either get a medkit from a friend and use it or gift a medkit to your friend and make them utilize it.
Walking Database
- Carry more than $3000 worth of data once.
This MIGHT Be Bunny?
- Get at least one rare or secret item in the game, like Gummy Flashlight, Notebook, or Necrobloxicon, while looting randomly.
Death Any%

- To unlock the Death Any% badge, you have to die before the game starts. Once the game begins, hop on the submarine and reach the starting area. Here, there will be two locker doors to the left of the area. Open both of them and see whether a multi-mass spawns inside them that kills you instantly. It is very rare to find a multi-mass in these lockers. So, keep opening these doors each time before you enter the first door to try your luck obtaining these badges.
- Find a Trenchbleeder and get crushed by it.
Hi Again
- Encounter the Multi Monster and Survive it.
- Win the Party Special in the Gambling Room, and drink it.
- Escape the Hadal Blacksite as a team or solo player. Along with the badge, you can also unlock the Hand-Cranked Flashlight in the Dead-Drop Shop.
Extra Careful
- Escape the Hadal Blacksite without dying or taking any damage.
- Start the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 4 or more players but escape it as the only player.
Power Of Friendship
- Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 2 or more players, and everyone should make it to the end without dying.
Group Of Sweats
- Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 4 or more players, and everyone should make it to the end.
This Badge Sucks
- Escape the Hadal Blacksite with a team of 8 or more players, and everyone should make it to the end.
We Die In The Dark
- Reach the end of the Ridge as a solo player without ever picking up any light source or getting revived.
I’m Outta Here!
- Escape out the entire Hadal Blacksite area under 45 Minutes.
We Didn’t Playtest To Make Sure This Was Possible
- Reach the end of the Ridge as a solo player without hiding in any cupboards or getting revived.
Ahh, Those Were The Bad Turrets, Weren't They?
- Survive a Turret Encounter without taking a single damage.
Look At Me
- Survive an encounter with the Gauntlet entity successfully. You can meet the entity anytime during the game, and it does not have a fixed spawn point.
You Deserve This
- For this badge, you have to get eliminated by Sebastian. So, enrage him by flashing a light at him to get killed by him.
AI Slop
- You can get this badge by finding the Painter NPC. He is usually located in a Heavy Containment room. So, if you stumble upon any Heavy Containment style room, explore it to find any section with computers. If it does, you will find the Painter AI in one of the rooms.
For Lonely No Longer
- For this one, you have to get the Toy Remote in the game. It is a rare item that can spawn anywhere on the map. So, just find one during your run to get the badge.
For more on Roblox, check out How to get al lbadges in Break In 2 – Roblox or How to get all badges in Roblox Doors on Pro Game Guides.
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Published: Oct 22, 2024 05:25 pm