The spin-off of the popular Samsung Superstar Galaxy experience has landed, and it's brought five free avatar items along with it! To earn these items, hop into Samsung Space Tycoon and follow along with our detailed guide below. Or, if you missed out on any of the free items from Samsung Superstar Galaxy, check out our free item guide for that experience first.
How to earn all free items in Samsung Space Tycoon
The list below briefly describes each item that's available inside of Samsung Space Tycoon and how to unlock it. If you're looking for more detail on how this experience works, continue reading past this list.
- Z Flip Backpack (No longer obtainable)
- Earned by speaking to the NPC Sam
- Alien Parrot (No longer obtainable)
- Purchased from the in-game shop for 6,350 coins
- Splendid Space Wings (No longer obtainable)
- Purchased from the in-game shop for 8,105 coins
- Sparky Headset (No longer obtainable)
- Purchased from the in-game shop for 10,950 coins
- Lemonade Hat (No longer obtainable)
- Purchased from the in-game shop for 15,950 coins
Earning coins
Upon spawning into Samsung Space Tycoon, you will automatically be enrolled in the experience's tutorial. To check your progress of the tutorial, click the envelope icon at the top of your screen. Doing so will open the tutorial menu that lists steps one through 22.

To complete the first step in the tutorial and unlock the Z Flip Backpack item, look for the NPC pictured below, Sam, and speak to them.

After speaking to Sam, look for and approach the Pink Desert entrance and press E to teleport through it.

Once inside the Pink Desert, keep your eye out for various gemstone formations. In order to move onto the next step of the tutorial and progress toward earning Coins, you'll need to collect 10 Copper gems, 10 Crystal gems, 10 Ruby gems, and 10 Rainbow gems by mining with your pickaxe.

Once you've found 10 of each gem, leave the Pink Desert the same way that you came and enter the Laboratory.

Inside the lab, you'll be prompted to place all of your collected materials in the Refinery.

After this machine has refined all of your gemstones, they'll be automatically placed into their corresponding storage containers.

Now, it's time to start making money! To the left of the storage containers is a large computer where you can read through all of your available recipes. These recipes detail how to construct various Samsung products, which can then be sold for Coins.

Press E to open the recipe list and choose whichever product that you'd like to make. Upon choosing a product, a list of its required ingredients, or materials, will appear on the screen. To follow this recipe, grab the necessary amount of materials from their corresponding storage container and then bring them to the Components Holder pictured below.

Once all of the materials have been placed inside of this machine, pull the level on its side by pressing E—doing so will begin the combining process.

After all of the materials have been combined, the finished product will come out of the machine's conveyer belt and land in the Output Bin. To sell your newly completed product, approach the bin and press E.

Each base product that you sell can earn anywhere from 100 to 500 Coins, depending on its value. If you're looking to earn more coins per product, be sure to add Rainbow gems to your recipes. The more Rainbow gems that you add to a recipe, the higher the chance that you'll make a rarer product; the rarer the product, the more Coins that you'll receive for selling it.
For example, the BESPOKE Slim can be sold for the following amounts:
- Default - 250 Coins
- Bespoke Colors - 350 Coins
- Gold - 750 Coins
- Platinum - 1250 Coins
Though there's no definitive answer as to how many Rainbow gems need to be added in order to create each rarity, adding just one Rainbow gem will typically increase the rarity to at least the first level, Bespoke Colors.
Once you get the hang of creating products, you can upgrade your lab to unlock even more recipes by approaching the button pictured below and scrolling through the Lab Upgrades menu.

After repeating the steps above a few times, you'll likely face the issue of running out of lemonade. Yes, freshly-squeezed space lemonade is what fuels the enslaved alien workers in your Samsung-branded laboratory to work didn't see that one coming?
To make more lemonade, leave your lab and return to the main Samsung Space Tycoon area. From here, look for the door labeled Lemonade Greenhouse and enter it.

Inside this door is the Lemonade Greenhouse where players can pick lemons and use them to make lemonade. Once you've collected the maximum number of lemons, return to your lab and place them in the refinery machine to create lemonade.

With your lemonade fully restocked, you can resume repeating the product-creation steps mentioned above until you've earned enough Coins to purchase any of the UGC items from the shop in the main area.

Though this entire process is extremely repetitive and time consuming, it is possible to earn all 42,000 Coins by going through it—major props to you if you decide to dedicate the time!
Looking for more Roblox content, including free items? Check out our recent guides on How to get all free items in Roblox Tommy Play or How to get all free items in Roblox Givenchy Beauty House!
Published: Jul 12, 2022 12:57 pm