While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it actually offers quite an intricate map with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. With its Washable Kingdom update, Find the Markers has added 28 more markers for players to discover, including the one we'll be covering in this brief guide, the Lilypad Marker.
Finding the Lilypad Marker in Find the Markers
In order to begin your lilypad-hunting journey, you'll first need to enter Washable Kingdom by teleporting through the magical clock pictured below. This clock has a secret ladder hidden behind it that will allow you to climb up to the first level, followed by another secret ladder in the front that leads to the actual clock face. As soon as you've reached the top of the second ladder, you will automatically be teleported to Washable Kingdom.

Once inside Washable Kingdom, look for the smaller of the two ponds located near the Witch's Tower and approach it.

Related: How to get the Quagmire Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox

As you'll notice, one of the lilypads in this pond has a flower on it—jump onto this pad to be teleported to the Lilypad Marker's location.

To add this marker to your Markerdex, simply walk up to it and touch it. Upon doing so, you should receive the pop-up below.

Looking for more Find the Markers content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Stormy Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox or How to get the Oil Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 11, 2022 03:58 pm