Roblox Battles Season 3 is finally here and underway! For those unfamiliar with Roblox Battles, this three-week-long event invites some of the best Roblox YouTubers/creators to come together and battle it out for the RBB Championship prize. While the tournament is active, players at home can join in on some of the fun themselves by participating in various mini events and earning a handful of exclusive badges and items. Continue reading below to learn more about how to unlock one of these badges, the Tower of Hell RB Battles Championship badge.
How to earn the RB Battles Championship badge in Tower of Hell
To unlock the RB Battles Championship badge in Tower of Hell, players must maneuver their way throughout a RBB-themed tower, collecting three colorful shards to build a RBB halo along the way. Once the halo is completed and used to unlock the final door, the badge will be unlocked. To start this tower, look for the RB Battles portal pictured below.

Walking through this portal will take you to the base of the RB Battles tower. To find all three pieces of the RBB halo, players must explore all three different sections of the tower—the green section on one side, the blue section on the other side, and the purple section at the top.

Related: How to get all free items in RB Battles Season 3 – Roblox

Once you've formed your halo by collecting all three pieces, it's time to complete the rest of the obby. To do this, look for a gray lattice ladder near the purple halo piece and climb it. You'll need to maneuver throughout a few more levels of obstacles before you can reach the top. But don't worry—you won't lose your halo or any pieces if you don't make it up before the time runs out!
At the top of the tower should be a large door with multicolored gems on it. As you approach this door, it should automatically unlock and open thanks to your halo key!

Now, simply walk up to the glowing white wall to unlock the RB Battles Championship badge.

Congratulations, you deserve a pat on the back for being patient enough to earn that one, that's for sure! Continue exploring across the Metaverse for the rest of the badges and check back here regularly if you need a bit of help.
Looking for more RB Battles badge hunting content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the RB Battles Challenge badge in Wacky Wizards – Roblox or How to get the RB Battles Season 3 Challenge badge in Super Golf! – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Dec 15, 2022 02:29 pm