The only other top-tier breathing ability in Project Slayers apart from Water is Thunder Breathing. It is a very lethal breathing technique when combined with the likes of Kamado or Agatsuma clans. To get the powerful Thunder Breathing ability, you first need to reach a minimum of level 12, followed by completing a list of training quests set by your trainer, Jigoro Kuwajima.
All Requirements to get Thunder Breathing style in Project Slayers
To start training for Thunder Breathing, you need to tick off the following requirement.
- Reach a minimum of level 12 on your account.
- Save and pay a fee of 5K Wen for training.
Thunder Breathing trainer location in Project Slayers
The Thunder Breathing trainer, Jigoro Kuwajima, is present on Zapiwara Mountain. You can reach him by following the given map reference.
- Start from the northern entrance of your Safe zone Village.

- Travel towards the northwestern direction from the village till you find a big tree, as shown below.

- Start climbing the mountains to move towards the top on the same northwestern side of the map.

- You will reach Zapiwara Mountain after reaching the top of the terrain.

- Find the thunder-breathing trainer at the entrance of the only building on the top of the mountain.

All training quests for obtaining Thunder Breathing style in Project Slayers
Note: Players can reach the location of each of the quests by following the waymarker on the screen.
Pay a fee of 5K Wen to your trainer and start the following training quests.
- Increase aim for Butterfly Style: Play and complete the aim training mini-game by clicking fast on the spawning objects.
- Meditate & lung training quest: Train your lungs to hold your breath much longer by mediating. Finish the objective by completing the small QTE-based mini-game.
- Push-Up Training: Similar to the previous objective, this also involves you playing a mini-game. The mini-game involves you pressing buttons in a timely fashion.
- Dodge Thunder: Dodge shock bolts of thunder from the sky by pressing your dodge/dive button.
- Defeat Zanegutsu Kuuchie: The final quest on the list is to defeat the Zanegustu Kuuchie boss. He is a pretty hard boss and will require the assistance of your friends to take him down. If you are playing solo, try to stay too close to him and execute air combos. You will get the ability after taking him down.
For more information on Roblox Project Slayers, check out Project Slayers Tier List – Best Demon Arts or All Clans in Project Slayers on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 19, 2022 12:01 pm