Players are able to trade in Roblox A Universal Time, but there are no clear instructions on how to do so. Below, you can find the necessary steps to trade as well as what settings you need to have enabled.
Trading is done via console commands in-game. You must also join A Universal Time server before being able to trade. Once on the server, you can trade with both random players and a specific player. You must also have enabled the Trading/Vs options in your settings.
Using the command !trade playername will allow you to trade with a specific player. When attempting to trade with that player, replace playername with that player's user tag or ID. This is a great way to trade with friends and player's whom you have worked out a deal.
You can also trade with a completely random player. Use the command !trade [random] and it will select a player on the server at random to trade with. There is no guarantee the player will trade with you, but this is a good way to make a new friend or get a mystery item.
Once the trade has been initiated, both players have about 15 seconds to either accept or decline the offers. If both players accept the offer, the trade will be completed and the items will be swapped. As always, be careful of who you trade with especially with offers that seem too good to be true. With any online game, you run the possibility of scams.
For more information on Roblox, check out How to get the Legendary Growing Flower Hat in Roblox Adopt Me and All potions and recipes in Roblox Wacky Wizards on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 2, 2021 10:20 am