Inazuma Rebirth, inspired by the anime and manga series Inazuma Eleven, is a PvP-style soccer experience that allows users to train their skills, unlock various unique abilities, and work toward becoming the best (and strongest) soccer player in the league. Like many other anime experiences, Inazuma Rebirth has a variety of NPCs spread across its detailed (yet contained) map that are crucial to the development of the player. For a quick overview of these NPCs, and their locations, continue reading the brief guide below.
Inazuma Rebirth Map Showcase and Trainer Location Breakdown
The image below showcases the entirety of the Inazuma Rebirth map. Below this image is a quick breakdown of every NPC in the experience, where they can be found, and what they offer.
- Stamina Trainer
- Location:
- Yellow circle
- Price:
- 60 Cash
- Task:
- Complete squats; one stamina point gained per NPC use
- Location:
- Power Trainer
- Location:
- Dark red circle
- Price:
- 60 Cash
- Task:
- Score 100 points by throwing balls through rings; one power point gained per NPC use
- Location:
- Speed Trainer
- Location:
- Blue circle
- Price:
- 60 Cash
- Task:
- Complete two laps in under 16 seconds by pressing the correct keys as they appear; one speed point gained by NPC use
- Location:
- Dribble Trainer
- Location:
- Green circle
- Price:
- 20 Cash
- Task:
- Successfully slide down a slope without being caught in an avalanche; one dribble point gained per NPC use
- Location:
- Handles Trainer
- Location:
- Purple circle
- Price:
- 60 Cash
- Task:
- Save at least eight out of 10 goals during the time limit; one handle point gained per NPC use
- Location:
Related: Inazuma Rebirth Trello and Discord Links – Roblox
- Black Market Dealer
- Location:
- Arrow
- Price:
- Varies
- Task:
- Exclusive potions and characters can be purchased here
- Location:
- Hissatsu Giver
- Location:
- Black circle near Speed Trainer
- Price:
- Cash/Robux
- Task:
- Gives/removes a player's Hissatsu
- Location:
- Prestige NPC
- Location:
- White circle in bottom left corner
- Price:
- 5,000 Cash
- Task:
- Allows players to trade all of their current level progression for a chance to prestige and grow stronger
- Location:
- Limit Break NPC
- Location:
- White circle in bottom right corner
- Price:
- 17,500 Cash
- Task:
- Allows players to gain +5 max in stats
- Location:
- Ice Cream Guy (Quest NPC)
- Location:
- Black circle near Power Trainer
- Price:
- N/A - Awards cash upon completion
- Task:
- Quest - Retrieve more ice cream from the Snowy Area
- Location:
That's it for this quick guide on the Inazuma Rebirth map and its important locations. If you're aiming to be the best in the league, you're going to want to be pretty familiar with these trainers!
Looking for more Inazuma Rebirth content? Check out some of our other recent guides on How to get Apollo in Inazuma Rebirth – Roblox or How to get Robin in Inazuma Rebirth – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Sep 27, 2023 10:25 am