For many Royale High players, Royaloween is the most exciting time of the year—the return of Wickery Cliffs, tons of spooky-themed accessories and activities, a new halo at the fountain, what's not to love?! So with all of the hype that's surrounding this update, when is Royaleween debuting in 2022? Unfortunately, no one except the Royale High developers knows the exact answer to this question at the moment. We can, however, let you in on some behind-the-scenes info that you may not have known and share our personal predictions as to when the update will be released.
Royaloween 2022 - Everything we know so far
At the time of this article's publication, Monday, October 3, 2022, it's estimated that the Royaloween update will debut sometime between now and Sunday, October 9, 2022. If we had to make our own prediction, we would honestly expect the update to debut as soon as this afternoon/evening. Compiled in the graphs below is all of the information that we used to create this prediction. Keep in mind, however, that this is just a prediction; we have no way of knowing exactly when this update will be released!
Royaloween 2021 release date

Wickery Cliffs, the Royaloween-specific location, was last added to Royale High on October 3, 2021, and wasn't removed until November 18, 2021. Obviously, this date doesn't have to directly correlate to its 2022 release, but it does incline us to believe that the debut will come sooner rather than later.
Royaloween 2022 badges are being tested

There are currently two badges that have been created for this year's Royaloween celebration, the Royaloween🌕2022 badge and the Celestial🌙Phases badge. At the moment, the Royaloween🌕2022 badge has been earned by 10 people, while the Celestial🌙Phases badge has been earned by one. Typically, badges that are specific to a future update are created prior to the update being released to the public and are tested privately by developers to ensure that they work and appear properly. The badges being tested now is a good sign that the update will be coming soon.
Royaloween-related places have been updated recently

According to the Roblox-centered, statistical reporting/trading website Rolimon's, Royale High developers updated a variety of places around 14 hours ago which, in central time, equates to around 8pm CT on October 2, 2022. The most relevant places that were updated include Wickery Cliffs, Blackwood Manor, and Divinia Park. For those unfamiliar with Blackwood Manor, this haunted mansion was added to Wickery Cliffs in late October to help celebrate the 2021 Royaloween festivities. These places being updated so recently is a good indicator that developers are working on their finishing touches!
That's all we know about the 2022 Royaloween update at this time. As more information is revealed, we will update this guide accordingly. We will also post a Halloween halo guide as soon as it becomes available, so be sure to check back with PGG as soon as the update is released!
Looking for more Royale High content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Ocean’s Blessing badge in Royale High – Roblox or What is the rarest halo in Royale High? – Roblox Royale High halo rarity tier list here on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Oct 3, 2022 08:16 am