The Sims 4 specializes in providing virtual experiences that both fit reality and the otherworldly. Whether you want to create a loving family or be abducted by aliens, you can achieve it in The Sims 4. Here's how to get yourself abducted by little green men in The Sims 4, as well as some other helpful extraterrestrial information.
Are there Aliens in The Sims 4?

When playing The Sims 4, you have a very small pre-existing chance of being abducted by aliens. Specifically, between 10pm and 4am, and while standing around outside.
If you want to be abducted for certain, you'll need to increase your chances exponentially. You have a few ways to do that, but the main one players use is obtaining both the Satellite Dish and the Out of this World computer.
Both of these items allow you to Contact Aliens, and can be obtained through the Scientist career. You'll be able to purchase both in Build/Buy mode, but can use the bb. ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement cheat if it is not available for you.
Getting Abducted in Other Ways

In my experience, getting abducted is tough due to its random nature. Getting past this can be tricky, so we want to give you plenty of options. Here are some other methods you can take to be abducted by Aliens in The Sims 4:
- Instantly create an abduction with the cheat interactions.push AlienAbduction_BeAbducted to have them come ASAP. Most of the time this works, but some players have had trouble getting it to work.
- Reach Logic Skill 7 and/or have the Genius Trait. Both of these can lead to the option to use the Backyard Observatory (the giant telescope) function Search for the Truth.
Do you need an expansion pack for Aliens in The Sims 4?

To be able to use and play with Aliens in The Sims 4, you'll need to purchase the Get to Work expansion pack. On top of including aliens, you'll also get plenty of extra content like careers, retail stores, and much more. This costs $40 USD usually, but the pack also goes on sale semi-regularly.
How do you make an Alien in The Sims 4?

Making an Alien in The Sims 4 is something I have found to be pretty simple and direct! All you need to do is head into Create-A-Sim and click the + sign on the bottom left of the screen to add a Sim. Choose the swirl of smoke to make an occult Sim. Finally, within that section, choose Alien. From there, you can create your Alien Sim to your heart's content.
Want to read more about The Sims 4? If so, check out Can you have Polygamy in The Sims 4? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 1, 2023 12:52 pm